Chapter 424 Confused 9
At that time, why did he think that blood lotus seeds were more important than everything else?

Is it just because of the images looming in his mind?

If it is said that he loves someone else, then why did his heart tremble suddenly when she fell into his arms?
If it is said that he loves someone else, why does he feel lust in vain only when her lips touch him?
"Mo Lan, you bring the whisk here—"

Zhuo Yanchong ordered in a deep voice.

Moran hurriedly took down the fly whisk hanging on the wall, and handed it to him very carefully.

Zhuo Yanchong sat on the edge of the bed, took the whisk and stroked it gently.

After being silent for an unknown amount of time, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Mo Lan, what did she say when she gave you the whisk last night?"

Moran was slightly taken aback, and then replied respectfully: "The queen said she was going to visit the theater troupe, and she was worried about the emperor's business, so she asked the servant to bring the whisk to the emperor..."

Speaking of this, she sighed softly, and continued emotionally: "The emperor left the table suddenly, and the queen was not upset, and there was still an injury on her hand... The queen did these things only for the sake of the emperor, but the emperor last night , last night...but she found Concubine Luo to sleep with her..."

In her tone, she clearly meant to accuse the emperor.

Even Lin Fu on the side couldn't help but sweat for Moran.

It is too bold to speak like that!
Unexpectedly, not only did Zhuo Yanchong not get angry because of Moran's bold words, but self-blame and melancholy appeared on his brows.

"Why did she do those things for me?"

With a low sigh, he placed Fuchen beside her pillow.

He gently lifted her injured hand and put it in the palm for a closer look.

He also remembered that she held down the strings when he was playing frantically.

It was her blood dripping on the piano that brought back his sudden madness.

But he didn't even look at her, and left the dinner with a flick of his sleeves.

Looking closely at her injured palm, the cut has healed, leaving only a little mark.

He couldn't help but squeezed her hand tightly.

"Your majesty, I don't know why you suddenly think that you don't love the empress, but there is one thing that my servant and other palace people can clearly see...the empress' feelings for you are unquestionable!"

(End of this chapter)

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