Chapter 426 Confused 11
He looked at her for a long time, then lay down gently beside her, stretched out his long arms and took her into his arms.

His mind is so confused...

Maybe sleep in and wake up tomorrow and everything will be back to normal.

He would not have some strange hallucinations, and Xiao Yuan Bao'er also woke up from the coma.

I hope that just a dream!
I am the dividing line——
"A Yuan, A Yuan..."

Jin Yuan was in a haze, only feeling that she was in a white mist.

Someone was calling her in a low voice.

Jin Yuan suspiciously followed the source of the sound, but before she saw anything, she was hit on the head with a bang.


Jin Yuan couldn't help holding her head and screaming in pain, and muttered depressedly: "Brother Shancai, why are you beating me?"

Shancai's figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

He still has a short stature, but his cute face has a seriousness that doesn't match his appearance.

"Brother Shancai, you didn't come to pick me up, did you?"

Shancai shook his head, pointed down, and said earnestly: "Grandpa Yue dragged me down to do something for him. Before I finished the task, I noticed that your breath was not right, so I rushed over. You are really unconscious, so I put you in a coma." Your primordial soul is summoned..."

"So that's how it is..."

Jin Yuan nodded, and followed Shan Cai's fingers to look down.

She saw her body lying motionless on the bed, with a big hand still on her waist.

No need to think about it, it must be Zhuo Bingshan!
"Ayuan, don't you have Taishang Laojun's whisk? How could you be unconscious when you are so good?"

Shancai frowned and asked worriedly.

"I can't tell..."

Jin Yuan pursed her lips, shrugged her shoulders helplessly and said, "The last time I was separated from the body by that national teacher's Yu Xiao, I don't know this time..."

"It's not because of him, is it?"

Shancai pointed to Zhuo Yanchong who was lying next to her body, and asked suspiciously: "Ayuan, the Emperor of Heaven asked you to guide him to be kind, so you don't really have any emotional entanglements with him, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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