Chapter 427 Confused 12
Jin Yuan's face flushed, she stuck out her tongue and said, "But the Emperor of Heaven didn't say no..."


Shancai shook his head when he heard the words, and sighed in a low voice.

"He exudes a cold aura all over his body. I really don't understand why you still like him... But it's strange to say that as soon as I flew into the palace, I felt that this place was very strange..."

A gleam flashed in Jin Yuan's eyes, she pulled Shancai's sleeve and said, "Brother Shancai, you also feel that something is wrong, right? Ever since Zhuo Bingshan saw the blood lotus seeds, something has gone wrong, and occasionally he will go crazy... ..."

Shancai nodded: "That's right, I smell blood! Blood lotus seeds, although they need to be watered with blood, logically speaking, they won't charm the mind..."

Jin Yuan looked at Shancai in surprise, and asked puzzledly: "But besides blood lotus seeds, what else can confuse Zhuo Bingshan?"

"Maybe he has some knots in his heart, or maybe he has really forgotten something, so he is confused..."

Shancai murmured in a low voice.

Seeing Jin Yuan's worried look, he patted her to comfort her and said, "Don't worry, the blood lotus seeds will wither soon without being watered with blood..."

Jin Yuan shook her head and smiled wryly: "I can't worry... I'm always worried that he will go crazy one day..."

"Ayuan, I think you should care more about yourself!"

When Shancai said this, he spread out his palms, and a shining Buddhist bead was impressively in sight.

"You swallow this Buddhist bead. If anything happens in the future, the Buddhist bead can protect your soul from being knocked out of your body, and also protect your original soul..."

Jin Yuan swallowed the Buddhist bead quickly, and nodded gratefully: "Brother Shancai, thank you..."

"Sow good causes and reap good fruits. If you successfully complete your mission this time, I believe the Emperor of Heaven will reward you..."

Shancai waved his hand and said with a smile.

Jin Yuan shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly: "I don't care about rewards..." She just wanted to know if Zhuo Bingshan returned to his throne one day, would she still be able to be with him!
Shancai saw what was on Jin Yuan's mind, smiled and shook his head, then took out a gleaming red thread from his body, and waved it in front of Jin Yuan: "A Yuan, what do you think this is?"

(End of this chapter)

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