Chapter 428 Confused 13
Jin Yuan's eyes lit up, and she asked excitedly, "Brother Shancai, isn't this the red line of Grandpa Yue?"


Shancai nodded, put the red thread in Jin Yuan's palm, and said with a smile: "I worked for Grandpa Yue, and I asked him for a red thread by the way! I gave this red thread to you for a while! "

"Wow, brother Shancai, thank you so much..."

Jin Yuan took the red thread with a cheer, and hugged Shan Cai with a smile, kissing and hugging her.

"With this red thread, no one can separate you, so you don't have to worry..."

Shancai pinched her face and comforted her with a smile.

Jin Yuan nodded movedly, and couldn't help but tighten the red thread in her hand.

This red line came too timely and too precious!
"Okay, I have to rush to work for Grandpa God of Wealth, you should return to your physical body and be careful!"

Shancai pushed her body and mind away, patted her on the shoulder and said with concern.

Jin Yuan wanted to ask something else, but Shan Cai had already waved his hand and fanned the wind.

Then her primordial soul fell down.

When she felt dizzy, she realized that she had returned to her physical body.


With a low moan, she opened her eyes and rubbed her temples.

Her movement alarmed Zhuo Yanchong who surrounded her.

Seeing that he didn't open his eyes, Jin Yuan wanted to remove his hand around her waist.

With a slight movement of his body, he hugged her even tighter.

Even sleeping is so domineering...

But before she fell into a coma, he obviously said a lot of nasty things!
If it weren't for her strong heart, she would have been injured by him long ago!
She thought angrily in her heart, wanted to sit up, but was afraid of waking Zhuo Yanchong up.

When she had nothing to do, she had no choice but to spread her palms. The red thread given by brother Shancai was still lying quietly in her hands.

"woke up?"

The deep voice slowly entered her ears, with a bit of hesitation and a bit of disbelief.

Jin Yuan quickly withdrew her hand, turned her head sideways, and met Zhuo Yanchong's opened deep eyes.

A flash of disbelief first flashed in his eyes, and then it was replaced by a light of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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