Chapter 429 Confused 14
He hugged her tightly, sighed and said, "Isn't it just a dream? Are you really awake?"

"Of course I'm awake..."

Jin Yuan glared at him angrily.

By the way, he deliberately squeezed his arm hard, as punishment for those ugly words he said earlier.

"Are you in pain? If you feel pain, it's not a dream!"

Zhuo Yanchong smiled and shook his head.

No way?
Zhuo Bingshan couldn't feel any pain?

Jin Yuan stared wide-eyed, pinched him again, and asked cautiously, "Is this so? Does it hurt?"

Seeing that he was still shaking his head with a smile, she turned pale with fright, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to wipe his forehead, but it didn't feel hot.

Then she pinched herself again, but with a little force, she frowned in pain.

"Hey, Zhuo Bingshan, you don't have a sense of pain, do can you not feel pain?"

Jin Yuan shook the arm that hurt from being squeezed by herself, and looked at him suspiciously.

Zhuo Yanchong stretched out his hand to wrap her tightly in his arms, and locked his eyes on her tightly, for fear that she would fall into a coma again in the next moment.

He touched her warm skin and couldn't help but sighed.

Then he buried his head next to her neck, breathing in her unique fragrance.

It was not a dream...

Her touch is real!

Although his mind was still a little confused, the feeling in his heart couldn't fool him!

It was as painful as seeing her pass out.

At the moment when he saw her wake up, he forgot everything, only joy in his heart!
"I'm not in pain... I'm just worried that you will be in pain..."

He hugged her and whispered in her ear.

Jin Yuan's eyes became hot, and she pointed at her chest and said, "Of course it will hurt... My heart will ache when I hear you say those heartless words..."

He didn't say anything, just hugged her tighter.

Jin Yuan suddenly pushed him away.

I don't know if it's because of swallowing a Buddhist bead, not only did her chest, which was still aching, go away, but she also felt much more refreshed and full of energy!
Otherwise, how could Zhuo Bingshan be pushed away so easily by her!

Seeing him looking at her in surprise, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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