The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 438 Who Can Solve Puzzles 7

Chapter 438 Who Can Solve Puzzles 7
A light from Jin Yuan's fingertips shot at it, and the scorching heat caused it to retract its body and return to the soil.

"You cultivated with blood?"

Jin Yuan looked at it and asked coldly.

That fine vine didn't answer, and seemed to be planning the next attack.

Sure enough, within a short time, the soil in the backyard began to loosen.

The flowers, plants and trees also moved towards Jin Yuan, as if they wanted to surround her.

It's just that before the branches and leaves touched Jin Yuan, they were hit by the golden light around her, and they screamed strangely.

"It's not easy for you to cultivate, and I have never discriminated against the monster race. I advise you not to try to do anything to me..."

Jin Yuan looked coldly at the tree demons who suddenly woke up, and warned word by word: "Otherwise, if your practice is ruined, you can't blame me!"

Now with the body protection of Buddha beads, they can't hurt her even more!
Shocked by Jin Yuan's aura, those tree demons retreated obediently.

The soil has also leveled out, and everything seems to have never happened.

The fine vine shook unwillingly, and wanted to make a last-ditch effort.

Afterwards, Jin Yuan wrote the character Gang on the palm of her hand, and chopped towards it, burning the whole thin vine with crackling noise.


The thin vine monster screamed, and all of them became wilted.

A gray shadow quickly floated out from the thin vines, jumped over Jin Yuan's head, and fled far away amidst screams.

The moment it escaped, it did not forget to look up to the sky and laugh: "Jin Yuan, so what if you are the God of Wealth? You can't change it, and soon the world will be in chaos. Not only can you not enjoy the fun, you can't even be a god, hahahaha... ..."

The eerie laughter echoed in the backyard, and with the whistling wind, it seemed even more frightening.

Jin Yuan wanted to get up and chase the gray shadow, but it had disappeared into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

On the other hand, the thin vine had been burned down to ashes.

The whole backyard was quiet, only the whistling wind and the rustling of leaves.

Jin Yuan shook her head.

She originally thought that Xiteng just now was a demon, but now it seems that this is not the case...

Because it has no entity, only phantom...

(End of this chapter)

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