The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 439 Who Can Solve Puzzles 8

Chapter 439 Who Can Solve Puzzles 8
Could it be a spirit body or a ghost family?
It just said that the world is in chaos, and that they can't even make gods...

What exactly does it mean?
Is something really big going to happen?
If something really happened, why didn't Brother Shancai not mention anything when he summoned her soul, and why did he look so relaxed?
Or, is it just that gray shadow talking alarmistly?

What kind of chaotic words are deliberately used to confuse her? !

She thought about it for a long time, but she still couldn't figure it out!

I don't know if the first day of junior high school understands these ghosts...

Jin Yuan made up her mind and flew to find Chu Yi.

When passing through the front hall, she heard Zhuo Bingshan and Changsun Yan talking about the national teacher who was locked in the prison, but nothing seemed to come out of the interrogation.

Seeing that they got up to go to the prison to interrogate Chao Li personally, Jin Yuan appeared, rushed towards Zhuoyan, and said loudly: "I'm going too——"

Zhuo Yanchong looked back at her unexpectedly, frowned slightly and said, "You just woke up, the prison is dark and damp, you'd better not go..."

Just as Jin Yuan wanted to refute, he waved his hand and whispered in her ear: "Little Yuan Baoer, I see that you are in good spirits, why don't we continue what we just did..."

Jin Yuan's face became hot, she pushed Zhuo Yanchong away, and said angrily, "Who says I'm in good spirits?"

"Since you haven't recovered yet, let's go back to the inner hall and sleep for a while..."

Zhuo Yanchong pursed his lips and said with a light smile, stroking her hair, his movements were extremely gentle.

Jin Yuan was blocked by him and had nothing to say, so she nodded sullenly.

Zhuo Bingshan, who has regained his mind, always coaxes her around, and still doesn't change his nature of playing tricks on her. Damn it!

But she had no right to be angry with him.

Because everything he did... was actually for her good!
Just then, she followed them quietly into the backyard.

Seeing that Zhuo Bingshan ordered to burn the withered blood lotus seeds, the depression that had nowhere to cry for the past two days was also burned out along with the flames.

Although it is said that it is because the blood lotus seeds withered that it can no longer confuse him...

But there must still be some intermittent memories in his mind...

(End of this chapter)

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