The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 440 Who Can Solve Puzzles 9

Chapter 440 Who Can Solve Puzzles 9
He finally ordered to burn it all, isn't it just to bid farewell to his past self?
She didn't know him in the past, and she didn't participate in it...

But she will participate in his present and future...

And, no matter what happens, never let go!
Zhuo Yanchong saw that Jin Yuan was slightly absent-minded, thinking that her spirit had not fully recovered, he shook her hand, and said softly: "You should stay in the bedroom and have a good rest, and General Changsun and I will go to interrogate the national teacher after the interrogation , come back to accompany you..."

Jin Yuan nodded obediently, and turned thousands of words into one sentence: "Then you must be careful of the national teacher!"

Zhuo Yanchong smiled, nodded and stroked her long hair lightly.

He leaned over and branded a kiss on her cheek, not caring at all that Changsun Yan was also watching.

But Zhuo Yanchong didn't care, Changsun Yan didn't care.

He didn't know where to turn his eyes in embarrassment.

Although he had heard that the empress had a good relationship, he never expected that the emperor would call himself "I" to the empress, without the air of an emperor...

I really don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing!

It wasn't until he bid farewell to the queen and left the dormitory that Zhang Sunyan said with a smile: "The relationship between the emperor and the queen is really good..."

Zhuo Yanchong responded indifferently, and seeing Changsun Yan's cautious expression from the corner of his eye, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to ask me why I treat her so differently?"

"The last general dare not..."

Changsun Yan hurriedly lowered his head.

"Everyone in the world knows that I am a cruel emperor. Apart from fear and respect, my feelings for me are just to please..."

Zhuo Yanchong looked up into the distance, and said faintly: "Only she is different... Even though I reacted abnormally these past two days, ignored her, and even said some hurtful things to her, her reaction is different from the woman I favored before... ..."

His little Yuan Baoer dared to give him a blow...

Besides, she didn't give up on him because of this...

Her every move, every frown and smile...

It warmed his cold heart, and made his lost soul finally have a sense of belonging!
"That's why I finally figured out..."

Zhuo Yanchong smiled lightly, his voice was far and deep.

(End of this chapter)

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