The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 441 Who Can Solve Puzzles 10

Chapter 441 Who Can Solve Puzzles 10
"I can lose everything, but I cannot lose her!"


Shocked by Zhuo Yanchong's words, Changsun Yan raised his head and stared at him blankly.

He has been a general protecting the country for many years, and he has never seen such a confident and happy smile on the emperor's face...

Just because the emperor's original smile was always cold and intimidating!
Although he didn't know that Jin Yuan well enough, he could feel the emperor's mood from the emperor's expression!
When a heart has been lonely for many years and finally finds its place, how can it not be happy and happy?
"Congratulations to the emperor at the end, I finally found a sincere person!"

Changsun Yan couldn't help sighing.

Zhuo Yanchong nodded and smiled lightly, and unconsciously raised his wrist to look at it.

There, a red thread was tied between him and Xiao Yuan Baoer...

Although there is no trace of the red line, but because of this red line, his heart is more stable.

I don't know how long it took, when the two of them were about to reach the prison, Zhuo Yanchong withdrew his thoughts of going away, and asked in a deep voice: "Changsun Yan, the national teacher refuses to say a word?"

Chang Sunyan nodded, and replied respectfully: "Yes, the matter of torture was originally under the supervision of the Ministry of Punishment, but the national teacher seemed to be dumb and didn't say a word!"

Otherwise, he wouldn't have personally come to the emperor to explain the state teacher's matter!
After all, it is unprecedented for the emperor to personally interrogate him!
"Has the punishment been used?"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned and asked coldly.

"This... without the emperor's order, I dare not use it..."

Changsun Yan shook his head with a stiff smile.

With the body of a national teacher, even if he is afraid of severe punishment, he will not be able to ask anything.

"But it's strange to say that the national teacher not only didn't say a word, but also his eyes didn't change. He was always so gloomy and cold, and he didn't cry out in pain..."

Changsun Yan hurriedly repeated what the Ministry of Punishment said to Zhuo Yanchong.

If it weren't for the officials of the Ministry of Punishments who were a little scared by his appearance, how could they not dare to use severe punishment? !

The emperor has always acted harshly, and the Ministry of Punishment has also inherited his style.

The types of punishment are ever-changing, and there is no fear that torture will fail.

Except for this strange national teacher, the cruel Ministry of Punishment has no idea!
(End of this chapter)

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