The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 442 Who Can Solve Puzzles 11

Chapter 442 Who Can Solve Puzzles 11
Except for this strange national teacher, the cruel Ministry of Punishment has no idea!
Zhuo Yanchong sneered noncommittally, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, he strode towards the prison without saying anything.
I am the dividing line——
After Jin Yuan and Zhuo Yanchong bid farewell, they did not stay in the dormitory, and turned to look for Chuyi.

Just pushed open the door, before she could react, she was hugged by someone.

To be exact, the one holding her is not a human, but a demon!
"Little God of Wealth, I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss me?"

The voice and smile are as evil and charming as ever, wild as before.

Jin Yuan carefully retreated from his embrace, and asked with a smile, "Ming Ye, why are you back?"

"I heard that Little God of Wealth has encountered some trouble here, of course I am in a hurry to come back..."

Ming Ye shrugged and smiled, leaned on the edge of the table with one hand, raised his eyebrows, and jokingly said: "Little God of Wealth, I have always missed you in my heart!"

"Then thank you for thinking about it..."

Jin Yuan knew that he was such a joking character, so she didn't take what he said to heart.

"The trouble is actually nothing, it has been resolved..."

"Are you sure it's all over?"

An unpredictable light flashed in Ming Ye's eyes, and he asked with a half-smile.

Jin Yuan was slightly taken aback when she met his meaningful gaze.

It's just that she didn't know what his "all resolved" meant, so she simply told Ming Ye all these things.

"The blood lotus seeds have been burned, but... I just met something attached to a tree vine in the backyard. I don't know if it is a spirit or a ghost. It said some strange things. The world is going to be in chaos..."

"Don't you have Taishang Laojun's whisk? How did ghosts enter the palace?"

Ming Ye raised an eyebrow and asked.

Jin Yuan suddenly realized and nodded: "Yes, I can't figure it out either..."

The whisk has been hanging in the bedroom!

It's not a ghost, what is it...

"Could it be that the ghost's cultivation base is too high, and the Taishang Laojun's whisk can't work?"

Jin Yuan asked Ming Ye suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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