The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 447 Who Can Solve Puzzles 16

Chapter 447 Who Can Solve Puzzles 16
"Ming Ye, can't you find a way to get rid of this demon?"

Jin Yuan asked worriedly.

Ming Ye shrugged helplessly: "With our strength, it cannot be removed!"

"Then who can remove it?"

"There is only one person who can get rid of it..."

Ming Ye said quietly.


Jin Yuan stared wide-eyed and asked expectantly.

"Of course it's your dear dear Zhuo Yanchong!"

Jin Yuan fell silent after hearing this.

What Ming Ye said was not a joke...

Zhuo Yanchong is the god of war, so it's not surprising that he can get rid of demons!
But after all, he hasn't recovered his divine power yet, so how can he get rid of that demon?
"If you want to get rid of the monster now, you can only let Zhuo Yanchong recover his divine power quickly..."

Ming Ye saw through Jin Yuan's thoughts, and smiled and said it for her.

Jin Yuan nodded, and said helplessly, "But... how can Zhuo Bingshan recover his divine power?"

Ming Ye smiled and didn't answer, but just looked at Jin Yuan thoughtfully for a long time, making Jin Yuan feel hairy all over.

I don't know how long it took before he slowly said: "Little God of Wealth, you are so worried about him... It seems that you really care about him?"

Jin Yuan nodded as a matter of course.

"However, as far as I know, during the two days I was away, you didn't have a good time with him..."

Ming Ye said with a smile while holding his chin, his tone was quite meaningful.

"I've heard what the first day of the junior high school said...not only did he alienate you and neglect you, tsk tsk, on the wedding night, he openly found other women..."

Before Ming Ye finished speaking, Jin Yuan interrupted with a blushing face: "That's all a misunderstanding! Zhuo Bingshan was just confused by the blood lotus seeds..."

"But don't forget, it's a fact that he's looking for another woman!"

Ming Ye shook his head and sneered, approached Jin Yuan's ear, and said slowly: "He was bewitched by the blood lotus seeds because his heart was not firm enough... Maybe the blood lotus seeds just aroused his true inner thoughts, so he alienated you !"

"certainly not!"

Jin Yuan angrily shook her head in denial, not forgetting to cast him a blank stare.

"What do you know? You're not Zhuo Bingshan, how could you know his true thoughts?"

(End of this chapter)

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