The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 448 Who Can Solve Puzzles 17

Chapter 448 Who Can Solve Puzzles 17
"Then tell me, what do I not know?"

Ming Ye smiled more and more proudly.

Jin Yuan was blocked by his words.

She looked at him angrily for a while, but couldn't come up with any words to refute, and said, "But he has returned to normal, and he has burned the blood lotus seeds, so he won't do this again..."

"Without blood lotus seeds, there will be other things to confuse him..."

Ming Ye smiled disapprovingly and reminded her.

Jin Yuan lowered her head sullenly.

In fact, what Ming Ye said was exactly what she was worried about...

Although I am glad that Yu Zhuo Bingshan has regained his senses, and no longer alienates her and indifferent to her...

But it doesn't mean she has no grudges in her heart.

She didn't know if he had really forgotten something, and she didn't know if he had loved anyone before...

She wanted to ask, but she was afraid to see him go crazy because of it!
It is often said that desperately trying to forget yourself is usually to the bone...

The blood lotus seed was destroyed, he was no longer confused, but clinging to her hand, willing to look forward with her!

But no one can guarantee that there will be other things in the future that will confuse him again...

Jin Yuan lowered her head to hide the bitterness that slipped by the corner of her lips, she shook her hand at Ming Ye nonchalantly and said, "The confusion is only temporary after all, with Grandpa Yue's red thread, I will never be separated from him!"

"Little God of Wealth, if he disappoints you again, you will come to me and cry..."

When Ming Ye said this, he was keenly aware of a strong and domineering aura coming towards him, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Don't worry, even if I look for the first grader, I won't come to you!"

Jin Yuan patted his shoulder and said casually.

"Is it?"

Ming Ye raised his eyebrows and pulled her into his arms.

Before she could react, he wrapped her body very intimately again, and whispered in her ear: "Little God of Wealth, although I am not a god, I am still a demon with good cultivation. Why don't you reconsider and invest in me?" hug?"


Jin Yuan stared at him suspiciously, not understanding why he suddenly started teasing herself again.

He even said that he didn't have all the emotions and desires, so how could he like her!
(End of this chapter)

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