The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 457 Helping Him Recover 10

Chapter 457 Helping Him Recover 10
Jin Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and took another two sips of tonic soup.

Moran was silent for a moment, and then said with a smile: "The emperor and the empress finally reconciled after the rain... As slaves, we can also rest assured! I hope the empress can conceive a dragon seed as soon as possible, and the emperor can have someone to succeed her." Already!"

Jin Yuan took a sip of the soup and still had it in her mouth.

Hearing what Moran said, she was so excited that she swallowed it all with a grunt, which made her cough again and again.

Seeing this, Moran quickly patted her on the back to make her feel better.

Jin Yuan put down the soup cup.

After finally taking a breath, she always felt that what Moran said meant something. She stared at the soup with only one last mouthful left and said, "Molan, what kind of soup is this soup..."

"This is complicated..."

Moran smiled and prepared to count the contents of the tonic soup.

Jin Yuan waved her hand to stop her, and said vigilantly, "Just talk about the effect!"

"Of course it is to repair the queen's body so that she can conceive a dragon seed as soon as possible!"

When Moran said this, he did not forget to tell Jin Yuan the name of the soup.

"This soup was specially ordered by the emperor to be made by the Imperial Dining Room. It's called Yingzi soup..."

Yingzi soup?
Jin Yuan rolled her eyes at the sky speechlessly.

She and Zhuo Bingshan have only been married for a long time, yet they let her drink that kind of welcome soup...

She is still ready to be a mother!

Moreover, Zhuo Bingshan has not recovered his divine power now, he is just a mortal!
But she is the body of a fairy...

If there is a baby, is it half for Xianfan or what? !

It's incredible to think about it!

Grandpa God of Wealth originally only asked her to guide Zhuo Bingshan to be good. If one day she guides a baby, I don't know how the Emperor of Heaven and Grandpa God of Wealth will react!

As for Zhuo Bingshan, it must have been calculated...

No wonder I worked so hard all day yesterday. It turned out that I was trying so hard to sow seeds!

How insidious and cunning!
He didn't even ask her if she was ready, so he had a sowing first, and then a welcome soup...

"Queen, there is one last sip of this Yingzi soup, you can drink it!"

After finishing speaking, Moran took the soup cup for her and brought it to her lips, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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