The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 458 Helping Him Recover 11

Chapter 458 Helping Him Recover 11
Jin Yuan hurriedly pushed her hand away, shook her head respectfully and said thankfully, "No need, I'm full!"

Although she doesn't want to waste this soup...

But she just doesn't want to drink Yingzi soup!
"The servant knows that the queen has a grudge..."

Mo Lan sighed, and kindly persuaded: "However, how can the queen have the heart to refuse the emperor's wishes for the queen? In order for Miss Jinyuan to ascend to the throne without being criticized by gossip, the emperor has spent too much effort... The emperor loves the queen deeply, and of course hopes that the queen can conceive a dragon species..."

What Moran said was sincere and sweet, and Jin Yuan couldn't help but look moved.

Although Zhuo Bingshan never mentioned it to her, she vaguely understood it.

Although she is the God of Wealth, if she tells it, the civil and military officials will not believe it, nor will the common people in the world believe it...

She appeared out of nowhere and was brought back to the palace by him, but he made her a queen. Of course those ministers would object!
When he was justifiably trying to get rid of obstacles and everyone's suspicion for her.She almost gave up the queen's position to someone else!

Thinking of this, she felt extremely guilty.

Seeing this, Moran said while the iron was hot: "The servant girl dared to tell you that. I believe the queen can understand the emperor's feelings for the queen!"

Jin Yuan sighed and nodded.

She took the soup cup from Moran's hand and drank the last drop of Yingzi soup.

Moran watched her drink from the sidelines, and was relieved.

In fact, it's not just the emperor's expectation, they are slaves, and they also hope that the emperor will have an heir as soon as possible!
Although those ministers who were dissatisfied with the emperor's actions in the past were demoted and abolished...

But once the queen is pregnant with an heir, people in the world will no longer dare to speak too much!

After Jin Yuan finished drinking the Yingzi Soup, she regretted it a bit.

Who made her most unable to resist the sensational attack!

She touched her belly subconsciously.

Zhuo Bingshan only worked hard for a day, and the Yingzi soup that Moran mentioned should not be so magical...

It's not that she resists having a baby, it's just that the current situation, which seems calm, is actually undercurrents...

If she conceives a baby at this inappropriate time, she doesn't know if she can protect it with her own power!

(End of this chapter)

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