The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 464 Helping Him Recover 17

Chapter 464 Helping Him Recover 17
Because, if he was really ruthless, he wouldn't take in those little demons in the first grade of junior high school, let alone help her!

"Ming Ye, to be honest, anyway, you don't have any emotions, I think you are more suitable to be a brother than a lover!"

After she figured it out, Jin Yuan felt relieved and teased him with folded arms.

Ming Ye raised his eyebrows: "You don't want to recognize me as your brother?"

"Can't you?"

Jin Yuan raised her chin and asked back with a smile.

"I am a demon, but you are a fairy!"

Ming Ye looked at her playfully, and reminded her: "You are a god who recognizes a demon as your elder brother, aren't you afraid that those gods in the heavens will say about you?"

Jin Yuan shrugged nonchalantly, and replied easily: "I am familiar with the rules of heaven, and there is no such thing in it, so even the emperor of heaven has no reason to punish me for this, don't you think, Brother Mingye?"

Hearing her sweetly calling "Brother Ming Ye", Ming Ye couldn't help but shake, and waved his hands again and again: "Of course you can recognize me as your elder brother, but you should still call me Ming Ye!"

Jin Yuan bent her lips and laughed out loud.

Ming Ye stroked his chin again, and said with a leisurely smile, "However, with the sister of the God of Wealth, are you afraid that your fortune will not come in in the future? So, I have also earned..."

Jin Yuan looked at him helplessly and shook her head.

It's really good luck for Mingye to open and close his mouth!

"By the way, Ming Ye, what kind of monster are you, you haven't told me yet!"

Jin Yuan asked curiously again.

"What do you think I am, I am what I am!"

Ming Ye looked at her with a half-smile and replied.

"I thought you were a fox demon, but later I found out that you are not..."

Jin Yuan looked into his eyes inquisitively, shook her head and muttered: "Actually, I've been thinking, how can I be so proficient in using Gu when I'm a fox demon in the first grade of junior high school... Later I saw you, and found that you used it better than the first grader of junior high school." Even more skilled!"

"It's not surprising, I taught you how to cast Gu in the first grade of junior high school..."

Ming Ye smiled and shook her fingers, leaned close to her ear, and whispered: "Because... I am a Gu Yao!"

Gu Yao?

Jin Yuan opened her eyes wide in surprise, and touched him along the way.

He obviously has a real body, but she couldn't imagine that he was transformed from a Gu...

(End of this chapter)

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