The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 465 Helping Him Recover 18

Chapter 465 Helping Him Recover 18
As if seeing the doubts in her heart, Ming Ye explained with a smile: "Little God of Wealth, although I am a Gu monster, it doesn't mean that I am a huge Gu! It's just... all Gu are under my control! "

It turned out to be so!

No wonder he is so comfortable with the centering Gu...

Before seeing the Gu worm, she always thought it would be ugly and disgusting, but after seeing it, she realized that it was quite interesting!
"Then you might as well teach me a few tricks of using Gu..."

Jin Yuan was always curious about things, so she poked his arm and asked enthusiastically.

He smiled faintly, and before he could speak, he frowned slightly: "Someone is here..."

Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and sure enough, she heard Moran calling her.

"Speaking of today, I still have something to do. I'll come to you next time and tell you about the insanity..."

Ming Ye patted her shoulder, and with a wave of her sleeve, the enchantment slowly dissipated.

Seeing that his figure was about to disappear, Jin Yuan quickly stopped him and asked, "Hey, Ming Ye, you haven't told me how to help Zhuo Bingshan recover his divine power!"

Ming Ye turned around, smiled at her and said, "Little God of Wealth, it takes an opportunity to restore divine power, you might as well stimulate him..."

stimulate him?
What kind of stimulus?
Jin Yuan wanted to ask something else, but Ming Ye had disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the enchantment was completely dissipated, and sure enough, Moran had already walked over.

"Queen, this servant has been looking for you for a long time, so you are here..."

When Moran saw her, he said with a smile on his face.

Only then did Jin Yuan notice the surrounding environment. It turned out that this was Zhuo Yanchong's study in his bedroom.

She had never been here before, she must have just walked around and arrived here, and then met Ming Ye who came to find her!
"Mo Lan, seeing you are so happy, is there any happy event?"

Jin Yuan withdrew her gaze and asked Moran with great interest.

Moran nodded, with a smile that couldn't be concealed from the corner of his lips: "Yes, this morning, the small country in the Western Regions, which has been ready to move, took the initiative to bow down to the emperor and presented many rare treasures. The emperor is also very happy. Send your servants to find the queen and pick out a few treasures to keep!"

(End of this chapter)

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