The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 466 Helping Him Recover 19

Chapter 466 Helping Him Recover 19
"Is there any rare treasure..."

Jin Yuan couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly took Moran's hand excitedly: "Let's go, let's go and have a look together!"

When they arrived at the front hall, Jin Yuan saw Zhuo Yanchong, as Mo Lan had described, a faint smile appeared on his usually stern face for the first time.

Those court ladies were almost dumbfounded when they saw Zhuo Yanchong's smile.

Jin Yuan also knew how lethal his smile was, so she hurriedly raised the corner of her skirt and greeted him with a smile.

When Zhuo Yanchong saw Jin Yuan, the corners of his lips widened, he beckoned her to sit beside him, and said with a smile: "Today the Western Regions paid tribute to many rare treasures, see what you like ..."

Jin Yuan nodded and looked in the direction Zhuo Yanchong pointed.

The eunuchs moved all the rare treasures in front of Jin Yuan, and stood aside respectfully.

In fact, the so-called rare treasures... are jewels such as blood coral, gold and jade bracelets.

Jin Yuan was not interested in these, and her gaze finally fell on a piece of jade ornament.

The jade ornament she saw was different from all the jade she had ever seen.

In the bright hall, it exudes a faint light like moonlight, elegant and moist.

Zhuo Yanchong also noticed where her eyes fell, and asked the little eunuch on the side to come forward.

Jin Yuan took the jade ornament, lowered her head and looked at it carefully.

From a distance, the luster of this jade is like flowing moonlight, but it is not the same when viewed up close. The lines are clear and there are cracks on it.

"Is this jade also a tribute from the Western Regions?"

Zhuo Yanchong also saw the flaws in the jade, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked displeasedly.

Lin Fu, who was waiting on the sidelines, took the initiative to answer: "Return to the emperor, this piece of jade looks damaged, but it is actually extremely precious..."

When Jin Yuan heard this, she raised her eyebrows with interest and said, "Really?"

Lin Fu nodded and replied meticulously: "Yes, it is said that this is a piece of spiritual stone left by Nu Wa in ancient times when she repaired the sky. As one body, this strange piece of jade was gradually formed... People in the Western Regions also called this jade the moon stone, because under the moonlight, the turbid things inside it will not only become clear, but also move and talk... "

(End of this chapter)

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