The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 467 Helping Him Recover 20

Chapter 467 Helping Him Recover 20
"So miraculous?"

Jin Yuan exclaimed, lowered her head and held the jade stone over and over to look at it.

Except for the lines on the outside and the turbidity inside, which are clearly printed on the eyes, nothing special can be seen!

"This is actually a legend. Whether it is true or not, the slave is not sure..."

After Lin Fu finished speaking, he added with a sneer.

Zhuo Yanchong was very interested in seeing Jin Yuan, stroked her hand, and said with a soft smile: "If you like it, just keep it, and then look at the other treasures..."

Jin Yuan shook her head, raised the jade stone and said, "I don't need anything else, I only want this moon stone!"

Not only Zhuo Yanchong was taken aback for a moment, but the other court ladies and eunuchs watching her also looked at her in bewilderment.

So many rare treasures, the queen doesn't even want it, but a piece of humble jade? !

It's just that if they know that Jin Yuan is the God of Wealth, for any treasures, they just look at them with interest, but are not interested in taking them, then they can understand!

People often love those treasures, not because of how beautiful they are, but because of the value behind them!
And these values ​​are useless to Jin Yuan!
Seeing this, Zhuo Yanchong didn't force her, smiled and waved: "Lin Fu, you send all these things to the treasury..."

Jin Yuan put away the jade, took advantage of others not paying attention, tapped him on the shoulder, blinked and said with a smile: "It seems that the national treasury is getting a lot of money again!"

Zhuo Yanchong held her hand, nodded and smiled: "That's right, it's all the fortune that you, the little God of Wealth, brought to the treasury!"

Not only did he not expect what happened in the early court, but the ministers were also taken aback.

After all, the problems in the Western Regions have existed for many years.

The sky was high and the emperor was far away. Although Zhuo Yanchong wanted to make them bow their heads and surrender, he didn't have much energy to attack them!
No one expected that those small countries in the Western Regions would surrender one after another!
"I heard from Moran that those countries in the Western Regions offered to pay tribute..."

Jin Yuan asked curiously, "Why do they suddenly want to join you?"

Zhuo Yanchong smiled lightly: "It is said that their resources are exhausted and the people's life is very hard, so they come to ask to be attached to us..."

PS: Some relatives said that they were a little confused when they saw a bunch of mysteries.

(End of this chapter)

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