The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 468 Helping Him Recover 21

Chapter 468 Helping Him Recover 21
Zhuo Yanchong smiled lightly: "It is said that their resources are exhausted and the people's life is very hard, so they come to ask to be attached to us..."

Speaking of this, he stopped, and an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes: "I have sent people to investigate, and what they said is true... However, not all the small countries in the Western Regions have come to seek refuge!"

"Who hasn't come?"

"A mysterious race - the Black Moon Clan!"

Zhuo Yanchong said coldly.

Wuyue Clan?
Jin Yuan's mind was running fast, this race, she had heard Changsun Yan mentioned...

It is said that few people know about this race, they believe in ghosts and gods, and they also like to grow some weird things!

At that time, I wondered if the blood lotus seeds were planted by the Wuyue clan!

Later, although it was known that the blood lotus seeds had something to do with the demon that transformed into Mrs. Qin, it wasn't the blood lotus seeds that really confused her!

It was the spirit body that was controlled by the demon and attached to the blood lotus seeds!

As for whether the blood lotus seeds were planted by that demon, no one knows!
Blood lotus seeds come from the Western Regions, while the Wuyue tribe believes in ghosts and gods, and is good at growing strange plants...

Could this flower be related to the Wuyue clan? !

"Zhuo Bingshan, what are your plans for that Wuyue tribe?"

Zhuo Yanchong caressed the golden armrest on the dragon chair, with a cold smile on his lips, he said lightly, "Although we have sent troops to attack the Western Regions before, there has been no progress. Then the recovery of the countries of the Western Regions will be under my control! The Wuyue Clan... is no exception!"

Domineering and ambition are evident in the flat tone.

Jin Yuan was not surprised by his plan to regain the neighboring small countries, but any emperor would always have such ambitions!

It's just that she has no way of knowing whether this isolated Wuyue tribe should be treated like a small country!

"Zhuo Bingshan, the Wuyue Clan has not bowed their heads and proclaimed their vassals. Could it be because they do not lack resources and do not deal with the outside world?"

Jin Yuan asked suspiciously.

Zhuo Yanchong frowned and thought for a moment, then murmured noncommittally: "I have already sent people to investigate this race! Whether they pretend to be isolated from the world, or plot something... I will not let it go easily! "

(End of this chapter)

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