The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 470 Helping Him Recover 23

Chapter 470 Helping Him Recover 23
She actually doesn't care how many small countries he has recovered, or how many people he has bowed down...

I just hope that the monsters can't harm him, let alone the common people in the world!

It's not that she doesn't believe in his ability...

It's just that when the opponent is no longer a mortal, even with the most elite soldiers and horses, they are still no match for the demon's illusion!

If Zhuo Bingshan doesn't recover her divine power for a day, she won't be safe for a day!

"Zhuo Bingshan, have you ever thought that maybe there is a huge power in your body..."

Jin Yuan leaned against his chest, carefully testing his way.

Ming Ye said that stimulation can be used...

She hadn't thought of how to stimulate him to remember...

However, when she thought of his mad appearance, she was always terrified and worried.

Reminding him like this is a gentle stimulus!
Zhuo Yanchong lowered his head, put his chin on the top of her hair, and asked with a smile, "Why do you ask that?"

"Because... I am the God of Wealth, I can't perform magic on you, so you must be a god stronger than me!"

Jin Yuan blinked and smiled, and said playfully.

"Didn't you say that God sent you to my side to guide me to be good?"

Zhuo Yanchong shook his head, and said amusedly, "Since you want to lead me to be good, how can I be sure that I will be a god instead of a devil?"

Well... In fact, Jin Yuan also couldn't understand what the Emperor of Heaven meant!
Since Zhuo Bingshan is the God of War, why does he need her, a little God of Wealth, to guide him to do good? !
But Ming Ye would not wantonly fabricate Zhuo Bingshan's identity...

Besides, if Zhuo Bingshan is a monster, why does the monster who turned into Mrs. Qin still want to harm him?

"Maybe... maybe you made a mistake in the heaven, so the emperor of heaven beat you down to punish you..."

Thinking of this possibility, Jin Yuan's eyes lit up, she sat up suddenly from his arms, pulled his sleeves and said excitedly: "So if you recover your divine power as soon as possible and defeat the demon, you will make atonement for your sins, and then you can return to the heaven! "

Zhuo Yanchong looked at her eyes shining with excitement, couldn't help laughing, rubbed the top of her hair and replied: "If that's the case, how can I recover my divine power?"

He was just talking casually...

(End of this chapter)

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