The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 471 Helping Him Recover 24

Chapter 471 Helping Him Recover 24
He never paid attention to the theory of divine power!
He only knows that everything should be under his control...

Jin Yuan was stumped by his unintentional words, she shrugged and said troubledly: "I'm also trying to figure out a way..."

Seeing her frowning, Zhuo Yanchong put a soft kiss on her brow, put his arms around her shoulder and comforted her with a smile: "Don't think too much, even if I'm really some kind of god, what can I do if I return to heaven?" ?”


Jin Yuan wanted to say something else, but he stretched out his fingertips to touch her lips, held her tightly in his arms, and said with a low sigh: "I don't care about heaven or mortal long as you are by my side, Even if it's the underworld, I'm just as happy!"

Jin Yuan's eyes became hot, and she felt that a layer of mist was covering her eyes.

His words are enough...

Even if one day in the future, he really forgets her, she will not regret it!

"Zhuo Bingshan, if you say that, if one day you change your mind or forget about me, I will pester you tirelessly, and you won't be able to get rid of it when the time comes!"

She hugged his arm, sniffed, and said pretending to be ferocious.

"Little fool, I'm not afraid of you pestering me, I'm afraid you won't be pestering me..."

He pinched the tip of her nose, with a doting smile in his eyes.

Jin Yuan smiled brightly, took the initiative to hug his shoulders, straightened up and kissed him on the face.

Before she could leave, his eyes darkened, he put his arms around her waist, lowered his head and kissed her moist lips.

The maids and eunuchs in the palace have all retired long ago.

Jin Yuan was panting from his kiss, and put her hand on his chest.

Seeing the burning desire in his eyes, she felt a thump in her heart, and stammered and asked: "Zhuo Bingshan, won't...and..."

He hooked his lips into a noncommittal smile.

Then he hugged her without allowing her to refuse, stood up from the dragon chair, and strode towards the inner hall of the bedroom.

If he didn't say anything, she knew what he wanted to do.

It just passed yesterday, and today he just finished going to court, and he wants to do it again!
Thinking of this, she thumped his shoulder and shouted: "Hey, Zhuo Bingshan, I worked all day yesterday, and I haven't recovered yet..."

(End of this chapter)

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