The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 472 Helping Him Recover 25

Chapter 472 Helping Him Recover 25
He turned a deaf ear to her struggle, held her hips with his big hands, stroked them passionately, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll recover for you later..."

Jin Yuan was scalded by the temperature of his palm, and her face blushed rapidly, reaching the base of her ears.

"Zhuo Bingshan, what Yingzi soup did you make for me? I haven't settled with you yet..."

After she said this, Zhuo Yanchong finally stopped in his tracks.

He looked at her deeply, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes: "Little Yuan Bao'er, don't you want to conceive my child?"

Jin Yuan had never seen him look so disappointed, she stopped her resistance, shook her head and muttered, "It's not that I don't want to... It's just that I haven't..."

It's not ready yet!
However, before she finished speaking, he interrupted.

Holding her in his arms, he continued to stride towards the inner hall, not forgetting to say with a low smile: "Since this is the case, then we should work harder!"

Jin Yuan's face darkened...

Zhuo Bingshan is a big pervert, hum!
He didn't want to make her conceive any heirs, he clearly wanted to use this reason to make a joke!

He was already physically strong, plus Ming Ye's aphrodisiac calming Gu...

It's no wonder she couldn't get out of bed because of him!
Alas... She, the God of Wealth, was eaten and wiped clean without leaving any residue, and she was pressed on the bed again and again, her back hurt and her legs felt weak!

This process of leading him to be good is simply "terrible" and there is nowhere to cry!
In the end, Jin Yuan had no strength left, and Zhuo Yanchong carried her even to take a bath.

It wasn't until the bath was over that Jin Yuan regained her spirit.

She lay on the edge of the Sanqing Pool and watched Zhuo Yanchong get up from the bath, and she couldn't help praising: "Zhuo Bingshan, your figure is a perfect inverted triangle!"

Zhuo Yanchong watched her slobbering at him with amused expression, took a towel and wiped her wet hair.

Jin Yuan also took the initiative to wipe the water droplets on his body, and her eyes gradually fell on his shoulders.

The imprint of the lotus is still there.

She didn't know what the lotus mark represented, but she remembered that when she kissed there for the first time, Zhuo Yanchong went berserk because of it, and even almost killed her!

(End of this chapter)

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