The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 473 Helping Him Recover 27

Chapter 473 Helping Him Recover 27
Perhaps, it can also stimulate him to recover his divine power!
Zhuo Yanchong casually glanced at the lotus imprint, a look of bewilderment flashed in his eyes, then he shook his head and said with a smile: "Little Yuan Bao'er, you think too much, this is just an ordinary imprint..."

"No, it must not be an ordinary mark!"

Jin Yuan subconsciously shook her head, squeezed Zhuo Yanchong's hand, and said hastily: "Otherwise you wouldn't have gone mad and almost strangled me last time...and at that time your eyes also turned golden!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhuo Yanchong's expression changed suddenly, he put his hands on Jin Yuan's shoulders, and asked in a deep voice, "What did you say?"

Seeing that his face became a little scary, Jin Yuan's heart couldn't help but lift up.

Oops, isn't she overstimulating him? !

Jin Yuan hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

He grabbed her shoulders tightly and said word by word: "Repeat what you just said!"

Jin Yuan felt pain from being pinched by him, looking at his gloomy gaze, she felt even more worried.

"Do you still remember that you were also in Sanqing Pond before, when I kissed your lotus mark, you started to go crazy, not only your eyes turned golden, but you couldn't recognize me, and you grabbed my neck... ..."

Until now, Jin Yuan gritted her teeth and decided to tell him everything.

This time, she decided to take a gamble...

"and after?"

Various complex expressions flashed in his eyes, and even his tone became hasty.


Jin Yuan let out a low sigh, and the scene at that moment appeared in front of her eyes unconsciously.

At that time, she was unable to struggle from his palm, and a tear fell from her eyes, which fell on his hand, and he suddenly let her go.

Afterwards, his heart ached unbearably...

It was she who gave him immortal energy, and he finally regained his calm.

Just because his madness at that time frightened her, no matter how much doubt she had in her heart, she dared not bring it up with him again.

"Of course you let go of me later, but suddenly your heart ached unbearably, so I will give you immortal energy..."

When Jin Yuan said this, she unconsciously stretched out her hand to caress his heart, and asked worriedly: "Zhuo Bingshan, do you have any heart problems?"

(End of this chapter)

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