The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 475 Helping Him Recover 29

Chapter 475 Helping Him Recover 29
If there were no monsters, why would she take the risk to find a way to restore his divine power as soon as possible?

As long as she can be with him, what does it matter if she is a fairy or a mortal?
But at this time, she couldn't be selfish, Zhuo Bingshan, who had no divine power, couldn't fight against demons.

And all living beings in the world will also live in dire straits because of the demons making a scene!

How could she only care about herself? !
"Zhuo Bingshan, I also hope everything is like this..."

Jin Yuan lowered her head to hide the wry smile that flashed by the corner of her lips, put her palm on his chest, and said softly, "But it's for your own good and for the good of the world that you recover your divine power as soon as possible!"

Zhuo Yanchong was silent for a moment, then asked thoughtfully: "Then what about you?"

Jin Yuan lowered her eyes and replied in a low voice, "Of course it's also... for my own good!"

The sound was muffled.

As long as he is fine, the rest... let it go for now!

Zhuo Yanchong didn't say anything, but hugged her tightly in silence.

It took some time for the two of them to hug each other quietly, before Jin Yuan raised her head, looked into his eyes and asked inquiringly, "Zhuo Bingshan, what impression do you have of the word Pojun?"

"Breaking the military?"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned, and slowly repeated these two words. "I did hear..."

Before Jin Yuan could continue to ask, Zhuo Yanchong frowned again and muttered: "I know a little bit about astrology. Pojun belongs to water and is listed as the seventh star of the Big Dipper. It is said that the human nature of this fate palace is difficult to understand and easy to kill..."

Jin Yuan's face was darkened.

Where did she want to discuss astrology with him?
When she mentioned Po Jun to him, she guessed that he might have a great relationship with Po Jun Xingjun, and then tried to remind him of something!

"Zhuo Bingshan, what I'm talking about is not the astrology... but the Pojun Xingjun!"

Jin Yuan waved her hand to stop him from continuing, grabbed his lapel and said, "Don't you think this title sounds familiar?"

She looked at him expectantly, but he thought for a while before shaking his head.

"Who is this Xingjun you are talking about?"

Zhuo Yanchong saw her face slumped in disappointment, and there was a hint of jealousy in his tone.

"You know him?"

PS: I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep first, and I'll update when I get up~~
(End of this chapter)

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