The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 476 Helping Him Recover 30

Chapter 476 Helping Him Recover 30

When Jin Yuan thought of the process of meeting Pojun Xingjun for the first time, she would inevitably slander him!
Who told him to copy his name so many times as a punishment just because she didn't remember his name!
Really careful!
"Not too familiar..."

Jin Yuan shrugged, looked at his displeased expression, pinched his face, and said with a smile: "However, you are very similar to him!"

"Am I similar to him?"

Zhuo Yanchong raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes fell straight into the depths of Jin Yuan's eyes, and asked quietly: "Do you like him?"

"I don't like him!"

Jin Yuan shrugged her shoulders, waved her hands again and again and said, "His personality is really bad...and he has a vicious tongue!"

Speaking of this, she chuckled, hugged Zhuo Yanchong's arm and said, "Of course, I'm not talking about you, I just think you have a similar temperament to him!"

Zhuo Yanchong took a deep look at her, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

"Little Yuan Baoer, no matter what you were like before, you will only like me in the future!"

Jin Yuan nodded, raised her chin, looked at him seriously and said, "You too, you can only like me in the future!"

"I am glad to……"

He smiled and lowered his head to seal her lips with a kiss.

She reached out and hooked his shoulders, and raised her head to meet his kiss.

So be it……

No matter what happens in the future, at this moment, they only have each other in their hearts!
"Little Yuan Bao'er, in the future, you will often give me immortal energy..."

A string of ravings floated from the corner of his lips.

Hearing this, Jin Yuan's heart tightened, she hurriedly grabbed his arm and asked nervously: "Zhuo Bingshan, have you suffered another heartache?"

Seeing him shaking his head and smiling faintly, she breathed a sigh of relief, and glared back at him: "You don't feel heartbroken, why do you want me to save your immortal energy for you?"

"Because I like this feeling..."

A mischievous smile flashed in his eyes, his arms clasped her body, and his lips slowly stroked her face.

Jin Yuan avoided his fiery lips, clenched her fist and lightly thumped his shoulder.

What he likes probably isn't her giving him immortal energy, but her taking the initiative to kiss him!
Every time after saving the immortal energy, he turned against the guest and kissed her until she couldn't breathe!

(End of this chapter)

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