Chapter 484 Prison Break 5
Chang Sunyan nodded, and replied with a serious tone: "They are all dead... the jailers guarding the execution room are also dead!"

Jin Yuan looked down at the bloodstains on the ground, shook her head and sighed, walked over the mutilated corpses, and approached the prison door where the national teacher Chao Li was imprisoned.

He reached out and touched the iron lock outside the door, and sure enough there was no sign of being forcibly opened.

"Open the cell door—"

Zhuo Yanchong gave orders to the jailer who followed behind timidly.


The jailer nodded nervously, and after digging around for a long time, he finally found a large bunch of keys, his hands were trembling.

It wasn't until he finally found the key to the lock and opened the cell door that the jailer heaved a sigh of relief.

"Squeak—" With a sound, the cell door opened, and a more bloody hostility rushed towards him.

Jin Yuan and Zhuo Yanchong walked in first, raised their heads and looked around by the bright firelight.

There is no trace of chiseling on the wall, and even the iron window for ventilation is intact.

It's just that the straws on the ground were in a mess, and each straw was broken into many pieces.

It looked as if it had been crushed by an inexplicable force, and straw powder was everywhere.

Seeing these crumbled straws and the mutilated corpses lying outside the cell door, Jin Yuan's faint guesses surfaced.

If it was just a liar national teacher using brute force to escape from the prison, even after a lot of fighting, it would not be as it is now.

At the very least, these useless straws will not be smashed into pieces with sharp tools.

And those jailers who have died, regardless of whether their bodies are intact or not, have one thing in common, that is, their essence has been completely absorbed!

It is impossible for a liar national teacher to absorb energy...

However, if it is a demon, or something else, such as ghosts and wraiths, it is hard to say!

"Changsun Yan, when do you estimate that the national teacher escaped from prison?"

Zhuo Yanchong looked around the prison, and finally his eyes fell on the cracks in the wall, frowning slightly, he asked Changsun Yan in a cold voice.

Changsun Yan thought for a moment, then clasped his hands and replied: "When the jailer came to report it, it should have been Choushi who escaped from prison..."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and waved to the timid jailer.

(End of this chapter)

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