Chapter 485 Prison Break 6
"Your Majesty, you can ask him personally—"

Changsun Yan ordered the jailer to come in front of them so that the emperor could interrogate them carefully.

Zhuo Yanchong looked away from the wall and landed on the trembling jailer, and asked in a deep voice: "Did you hear anything or see anything?"

"Back... back to the emperor, when I heard the sound of weapons, I felt that something was wrong. I was about to check it out, when I heard many... many people's screams..."

When the jailer said this, he couldn't help shaking his body, and his voice became lower and lower.

"Later, I wanted to take a look, but when I passed the torture room, I heard screams, which were mixed with the sound of wheezing and wheezing. I thought someone was being tortured again in the middle of the night, so I looked inside curiously. ……result……"

The jailer probably remembered something horrible, and was so frightened that he couldn't speak, his legs went limp, and he knelt down with a plop.

Jin Yuan walked up to the jailer, waved her hand around his head, and a faint golden light surrounded him.

After not being out for too long, the jailer's complexion improved a lot, and his fear disappeared completely.

"You said you looked into the torture chamber, what did you see?" Jin Yuan asked gently, looking directly at the jailer.

"The humble official saw the national teacher, holding a colleague with his teeth and claws, sucking something quickly, the colleague was still struggling, and then his arms and legs were... torn off by the national teacher! Flesh and blood... Then that colleague fell to the ground, already turned into a corpse, and his whole body was still blue-purple..."

Jin Yuan nodded, looked at each other with Zhuo Yanchong, and continued to ask: "Then what about the national teacher, what was the national teacher like at that time?"

"The national teacher... the whole person is terrifying, with green eyes, sharp and long fingers, all digging into the back of that colleague..."

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen on the side opened their eyes in surprise when they heard the jailer's description.

Because of the urgency of the situation, they didn't ask the jailer too much, so they went to report to the emperor.

Originally thought that someone robbed the prison, the national teacher would escape...

Listening to the jailer's description now, it's not as simple as robbing a prison!
(End of this chapter)

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