Chapter 486 Prison Break 7
"Could it be that the national teacher has become a monster that eats people?"

Chang Sunyan couldn't help sighing, and asked to himself.

Jin Yuan patted the jailer's shoulder, then shook her head at Changsun Yan and Luo Hen, and said helplessly, "The national teacher is not a monster..."

"what is that?"

Luo Hen frowned and asked worriedly.

"The national teacher has been completely possessed by a resentful spirit!"

Jin Yuan took a deep breath and said word by word.

"Wraith possessed?"

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen stared at Jin Yuan with disbelief in unison.

Zhuo Yanchong was the only one with a calm expression.

Jin Yuan nodded, and said solemnly: "These people who were killed by him were all sucked out of their energy... and the jailer just now said that the eyes of the national teacher glowed green, and his fingers became neither human nor human. Like a ghost, I'm afraid it's not just possessed by a resentful spirit!"

"what is that?"

"He and Wraith have become one!"

After Jin Yuan finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Zhuo Yanchong, a flash of apology flashed in her eyes.

She once went to the State Teacher's Mansion for the first time, and when she saw the State Teacher put the jade flute into his arms, she saw strands of green smoke overflowing from the jade flute and entering his body.

She also suspected that Yuxiao was the carrier of resentful spirits...

So later, when they were getting married, they took the jade flute from the national teacher Chao Li and smashed it into pieces!
She thought that in this way... the resentful spirits would no longer harm the world, let alone do evil with Yu Xiao!

But I didn't expect... the resentful spirit at that time, I'm afraid it has already attached to the body of the national teacher!
She couldn't even predict how powerful the wraith's power was!
The resentful spirits in Yuxiao can already beat her to death...

Now that the resentful spirit and the national teacher Chao Li have merged into one, and absorbed so much energy...

Not only is she not the opponent of the Wraith, but there are very few who can become the opponent of the Wraith!
How could she be so confused that she forgot the strange sneer of the national teacher when he was taken into prison? !

"Zhuo Bingshan, this time it's my fault..."

Jin Yuan sighed and said in a low mood.

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen who were on the side were at a loss when they heard what she said.

How could it be the queen's fault that the national teacher escaped from prison?

(End of this chapter)

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