Chapter 487 Prison Break 8
Zhuo Yanchong patted her on the shoulder, his expression was dignified, but his voice was still gentle: "Little Yuan Bao'er, it's neither the jailer's dereliction of duty nor your fault..."

Jin Yuan shook her head, and replied with a wry smile: "If I had found out earlier that the wraith wanted to merge with the national teacher, I would have found all means to stop it... But now, the national teacher has escaped and killed so many innocent people." people!"

And what she is most worried about is that the escaped national teacher will meet up with the demon who turned into Mrs. Qin, and join forces to murder Zhuo Bingshan!

"Little Yuan Baoer, the deaths of these people have nothing to do with you..."

Zhuo Yanchong put his arms around her shoulders, comforted her in a low voice, and winked at Changsun Yan and Luo Hen who were stunned aside.

"You immediately send someone to clean up the place. As for the dead jailers, bury them generously, and each family will give a pension..."

He ordered lightly, Changsun Yan hurriedly nodded in agreement, snapped his fingers at the guards, and began to clean up the mess in the prison.

Luo Hen still asked hesitantly: "Master, what should the escaped national teacher do?"

A stern light flashed in Zhuo Yanchong's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Immediately block every gate in the imperial city, issue a notice, and search for the national teacher with all my strength!"


Luo Hen nodded, turned his eyes to Jin Yuan who had a gloomy expression, and whispered, "Queen, I have something to ask you..."

Jin Yuan came back to her senses, saw Luo Hen's expression was a bit embarrassed, pushed away Zhuo Yanchong's arm that was on her shoulder, walked to Luo Hen's side and lowered her voice, "You tell me..."

Only then did Luo Hen sigh, and said frowningly, "Actually, it's about that squirrel..."

Jin Yuan was startled, Hui Mao stayed in Luohen's mansion and hadn't come to the palace to look for her for several days.

Could it be that something happened to Gray Hair?

"What happened to Gray Hair?"

Jin Yuan asked nervously.

Luo Hen shook his head, and said hesitantly: "It... isn't it a gray hairy mouse, why did it suddenly turn into a little gray?"

Jin Yuan suddenly realized that after counting the days, Huimao's injury was almost the same, and it was time to transform back!

No wonder Luo Hen's expression was a little weird tonight, it turned out not only because of the national teacher's escape from prison, but also because of Xiao Hui's transformation!

(End of this chapter)

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