Chapter 488 Prison Break 9
Judging by his appearance, the idiot Huimao must have transformed in front of his face, no wonder it frightened him!
"Since the resentful spirit can merge with the national teacher, what's so strange about Xiao Hui changing from a rat body to a human body?"

Jin Yuan wanted to comfort him with a smile, but when the smile reached her face, she became a little stiff.

Chao Li, the national teacher, doesn't know where he fled, let alone how many people he will kill. How can she relax? !
Luo Hen thought about it, and felt that Jin Yuan's words made some sense.

No matter how many doubts he had in his heart, this was not a good time to clear up his doubts. The questioning words came to his lips and turned into a sigh.

You can put aside the gray matter for now...

Now that the national teacher has killed many people, escaping from the prison is the most worrying event!
The guards had already started to clean up the corpses scattered in the prison, and the bloody smell and stench couldn't help but make people sick.

"Your Majesty, this prison is dark and damp, and the atmosphere is too cloudy, so let's go back first..."

Luo Hen persuaded Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan carefully.

Jin Yuan, who was full of guilt, didn't speak, but just looked at Zhuo Yanchong quietly.

And Zhuo Yanchong seemed to turn a deaf ear to Luo Hen's words, and had been carefully looking inside and outside the prison, not letting go of every corner.

Jin Yuan also followed his gaze, and when she saw the cracks on the stone wall, she couldn't help saying in a low voice: "These cracks must be caused by the sudden increase in power after the National Teacher and Wraith Spirit merged into one... ..."

Speaking of this, something flashed through Jin Yuan's mind, and she grabbed Zhuo Yanchong's sleeve and asked anxiously: "Zhuo Bingshan, didn't you interrogate the national teacher before? How did he react then?"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned and muttered: "He has never said a word... No matter what punishment is given to him, his expression is too calm!"

Jin Yuan had never seen those punishments before, but she knew that it was absolutely difficult after thinking about it, but the national teacher, who was always good at flattering and timid by nature, didn't respond...

At that time, the soul of the national teacher Chao Li must have been swallowed up by the resentful spirit!
But... why did he run away tonight?

PS: I caught a cold, my head hurts so much, I’m sorry if there’s less, I’ll make it up when Ali gets better~~
(End of this chapter)

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