Chapter 489 Prison Break 10
Jin Yuan raised her head full of doubts, and glanced at the bars above the prison.

The faint moonlight spilled in through the window lattice, and was shining on the straw.

Her eyes lit up, she pulled Zhuo Yanchong's sleeve, pointed to the iron window with a small opening and said: "Zhuo Bingshan, look——"

Zhuo Yanchong looked in the direction of her finger, wondering: "What's wrong with the bars?"

"Not the window, but the moonlight..."

Jin Yuan stretched out her hand to gesture at the angle of the moonlight, and reminded Zhuo Yanchong in a serious manner: "The national teacher chose to escape tonight, because the moonlight is the brightest tonight!"

Zhuo Yanchong raised his eyebrows slightly, and an unpredictable light flashed in his eyes.

Jin Yuan put down her arms, then turned to Luo Hen and asked, "Luo Hen, is the moon full tonight?"

Luo Hen looked at Jin Yuan in confusion, nodded blankly and replied: "Yes, today is the fifteenth day, so it is the full moon..." He hesitated for a while before asking in surprise: "But the Queen , What does this full moon have to do with the national teacher's escape?"

Of course it matters...

There is still a lot to do!

Jin Yuan shrugged, pointed to the full moon hanging high in the night sky outside, and patiently explained: "When the full moon is full, the wraith absorbs the essence of heaven and earth, and its power rapidly expands. Finally, it successfully controls the national teacher and escapes from prison..."

"The queen means..."

Before Luo Hen finished speaking, Jin Yuan nodded and added: "The full moon is when the wraith's power is the strongest, so on the contrary, the moon's waning is when the power is the weakest!"

Luo Hen lowered his head and thought for a moment, patted his head and said suddenly: "After the moon is full, the moon will be missing. If the national teacher has not escaped from the imperial city...we can catch him while his strength is weakening!"

Jin Yuan nodded, the big stone in her heart finally fell down, and her expression became a little more relaxed.

"Luohen, what you said is exactly what I thought!"

Luo Hen sneered, then bowed to Zhuo Yanchong and asked for instructions: "Master, should the national teacher be captured alive or executed on the spot?"

Zhuo Yanchong was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "If you can't catch him alive, you will be executed on the spot!"

"Yes..." Luo Hen took the order and was about to leave to search for the trace of the national teacher, but was stopped by Jin Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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