Chapter 495 Prison Break 16
In fact, Moran didn't know if there was any danger.

Because the expressions of the emperor and queen this time are too severe!

She also felt faintly uneasy.

But she couldn't help, she could only comfort the queen, and by the way, herself!

After all, who doesn't like living a peaceful life? !
Jin Yuan suppressed the sigh in her heart, and nodded to Moran with a forced smile: "I hope so too... He will be busy in the study tonight, you go and bring him a cup of ginseng tea for him to make up for it!"


Moran took the order, turned around and retreated.

Jin Yuan was the only one left in the huge bedroom and inner hall.

A gust of cool wind hit and blew out the only few candle lamps in the hall.

The entire inner hall was suddenly plunged into darkness.

But within a short while, the bright moonlight passed through the window lattice and faintly swept in the dark inner hall, illuminating the inner hall, but it made the inner hall even more desolate and empty.

Jin Yuan looked up at the full moon outside the window.

I don't know how many innocent people have been murdered by resentful spirits under this full moon, and their energy has been sucked out!

"Bang dang, bang dang..."

I don't know what kind of voice came to Jin Yuan's ears, the voice became louder and louder, and it was especially clear in this dead silent inner hall!
She froze, and couldn't help pricking up her ears to distinguish the source of the voice.

The sound of "clang" disappeared, replaced by neighing and hoofbeats, vaguely, and it seemed that there were noisy voices.

She rubbed her ears, this time, she never got it wrong!
She looked along the source of the sound, and saw that the piece of jade she put on the table was just shrouded in the bright moonlight, exuding a radiant luster.

She couldn't help approaching, and the shiny jade was exactly the same tribute she had chosen during the day—the moon stone!

At that time, Eunuch Lin also talked about the origin of Datong Moonstone, saying that it was a remnant stone left by Nuwa in ancient times to mend the sky...

Later, after years of polishing, it also absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, and became different.

He also said that under the moonlight, the turbid things in the moon stone will be clear...

She lowered her head and looked intently, and sure enough, under the moonlight, the image in the jade became clearer little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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