Chapter 496 Prison Break 17
There seems to be a figure, and there seems to be the shadow of an animal...

She couldn't help but picked up the moon stone and looked at it more carefully.

Sure enough, all the turbid things I saw during the day were gone.

Instead, there were a few busy figures.

One of them was chopping something with an ax.

Next to the figure, there are several strange beasts.

One of them looks like a red leopard, with five tails and one horn. It has a ferocious face, especially when it grins its teeth.

There is another one that looks like a rooster, but the feathers on its body are much more gorgeous than ordinary roosters, and it also has a long colorful phoenix tail, which looks very proud.

Jin Yuan couldn't help but stared blankly, stretched out her hand to caress the moon stone slowly, and accidentally touched the man holding the axe.

"Who, who caught my ax—"

The figure with the ax turned around immediately, and yelled angrily at the other people and beasts in the jade stone.

Jin Yuan's eyes widened. Sure enough, the images in the Moonstone can still speak!
No wonder Lin Fu said that there is such a legend...

It seems that it is not just a legend, but someone who has seen it like her!
"Nobody bothers to touch your axe!"

The person who spoke was a child in a yellow coat and a yellow hat, who waved his hands disdainfully.

There was also a small yellow car parked beside him, blending in with his yellow clothes.

"You old man, you think that someone else is touching your ax all day long..."

"Hey, you Ze Jing, how do you talk?"

The big man with the ax turned around and yelled at the boy in yellow with his hips on his hips, "Do you know how to respect the elders?"

"I only respect promising elders..."

The kid in yellow made a face at him, then stretched out his hand to poke the sleeping beast that looked like a red leopard and said, "Do you think so?"

The beast glanced at the two of them indifferently, then turned its head lazily and ignored them.

Seeing this vivid scene, Jin Yuan, who was originally in a low mood, couldn't help but burst out laughing, startling everyone in the Moon Rock.

"Hey, can you hear us?"

The boy in yellow was the first to react.

(End of this chapter)

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