Chapter 497 Prison Break 18
He hopped closer to Jin Yuan and looked at her curiously.

Jin Yuan nodded, held the moon stone closer to her, and asked with a smile, "Have you always lived in this jade stone?"

"It seems like it's been here since I can remember..."

The kid in yellow nodded, but was hit on the head by the big man with the axe.

"Idiot, you obviously bumped into it by accident, it's almost like losing your memory by yourself!"

"the stupid one is you……"

The kid in yellow angrily pointed at the big man and cursed.

Seeing that they were starting to quarrel again, Jin Yuan hurriedly interrupted them, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you all? How did you end up in this moon rock?"

"Well...hehe, I accidentally came in!"

The little boy in yellow patted his head in embarrassment, stretched out his hand towards Jin Yuan, and said with a cute face: "My full name is Yao Li, you can call me Ah Li...I'm Zejing!"

Jin Yuan couldn't help stretching out her hand, but she was able to hold his little hand protruding from the moon stone, only feeling a little cold to the touch.

Ze Jing... is a family of spirits formed from the aura of the swamp, and usually has close contacts with the monster race.

"A Li, my name is Jin Yuan, and I am the Little Fairy of Good Fortune under the seat of Caibo Xingjun..."

Seeing his cute appearance, Jin Yuan couldn't help feeling kind, and introduced herself with a smile.

"So you are the God of Wealth, no wonder you can see us and hear us talk!"

Ah Li, a child in yellow, suddenly realized and nodded, then smiled and pointed to the big man with an ax next to him and said, "He is old man Wu Gang..."

Jin Yuan followed the Wu Gang he was pointing at, and was surprised, but couldn't help laughing.

He is still young and strong, but Ah Li says he is an old man, no wonder he is going to be angry!

It's just... Didn't Wu Gang live in the Moon Palace and cut down trees for Chang'e?
How did it come to this moon rock?
"Wu Gang, why... are you not in the Moon Palace?"

Jin Yuan looked at the man holding the ax and asked hesitantly.

Then Wu Gang was still staring at A Li, but when he heard Jin Yuan's question, he blushed and replied with a sneer, "This...the reason is very complicated..."

PS: There are some extra characters, adjust the tense atmosphere, these characters will also play a key role in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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