Chapter 498 Prison Break 19
"He was clearly punished by the Emperor of Heaven!"

Zejing A Li took the initiative to snatch his words, and let out a sinister laugh.

"Stupid, who said I was punished?"

Wu Gang was so angry that he swung his axe.

Seeing this, Ah Li fled around the Moonstone with his head in his arms, shouting, "Wow, old man Wu Gang wants to kill me again..."

"Don't make trouble first!"

Jin Yuan persuaded them with a good voice, pointed to several wild beasts and asked, "What kind of monsters are they?"

Ah Li stopped, poked the beast with five tails and said, "It's hideous..."


Jin Yuan looked at the beast suspiciously.

It's really a name like a beast... It has a ferocious face, no wonder it's called ferocious!

The beast named Ji raised its head, gave Jin Yuan a cold look, and said indifferently, "You stupid god, you don't know my existence..."

Jin Yuan smiled and shrugged, stretched out her hand curiously to touch the tail of the beast, and said as a matter of course: "I've only been a fairy for a few hundred years, it's normal if I don't know!"

"Hideous is an ancient divine beast..."

Ah Li took the initiative to introduce with a smile, with a bit of reverence in his eyes.

"It's very powerful. It turned out to be the mount of the ancient gods. Since the ancient gods escaped from the world, it has stayed in the moonstone!"

So that's the case... Jin Yuan nodded clearly.

She has only heard a little about those things in ancient times.

Probably too many years have passed, even the heavens, there are very few people who really understand it!

"How long have you lived in Moonstone?"

Jin Yuan asked curiously.

Ah Li turned his head and counted on his fingers for a long time, but Wu Gang knocked his head again, and said in a low voice, "Idiot, do you still need to count?"

Ah Li pursed his lips and stared at him, then smiled shyly at Jin Yuan: "I don't remember, anyway, I lived for a long time..."

Wu Gang interrupted him, and said to Jin Yuan in a deep voice: "Miss Jin Yuan, Ah Li was the last to live here. If we are talking about us, we have also lived in this moon rock for thousands of years!"

"Thousands of years..." Jin Yuan exclaimed, and couldn't help showing respect to them.

"In this way, you are all my seniors!"

(End of this chapter)

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