Chapter 499 Prison Break 20
"Don't dare, don't dare..."

Wu Gang waved his hand in embarrassment, pointed at the beast behind him and Ah Li and said, "We stay in this moon rock, more or less because we don't want to be disturbed by the mundane affairs of the outside world, this place is probably our paradise! "

"But this moon stone looks very small..."

Jin Yuan took the moon stone and looked left and right, but she couldn't see that it could accommodate these protoss, spirits and beasts like a paradise.

"Don't underestimate this moon stone!"

Another voice came indifferently.

Jin Yuan followed the prestige, and it was the bird with the colorful phoenix tail that was talking to people just now.

Its voice sounded like the sound of a phoenix, resounding through the hall, and it sounded particularly clear.

"You are……"

Jin Yuan looked at it suspiciously, always feeling that it looked familiar.

"It's the Chongming Bird... It's also a coincidence that it lives in the Moon Rock!"

Wu Gang smiled and introduced to Jin Yuan again, with a rather respectful tone: "Brother Chongming has more qualifications than me, and can expel monsters. When the ghosts saw it, they didn't dare to offend it, so they naturally retreated!"

"Of course, brother Chongming is much better than you!"

Zejing A Li also interjected, not forgetting to raise his head proudly.

Jin Yuan smiled slightly.

Having seen these things in the Moon Stone, Ah Li poked his head out of the Moon Stone again, shook his head at Jin Yuan and said, "By the way, do you want to come to our place to have a look?"

Jin Yuan's heart skipped a beat, but she didn't immediately nod her head in agreement.

Because what Wu Gang said earlier shocked her.

He said that the Chongming Bird can drive away monsters and ghosts...

Then the resentful spirit attached to the national teacher, maybe the Chongming Bird can also find a way to get rid of it!

"A Li, I also want to go in and have a look, but at this moment, I still have something to do..."

Jin Yuan shook her head and smiled apologetically.

Zejing A Li immediately jumped into Jin Yuan's palm enthusiastically, and said with a smile: "If there is anything, why don't you tell us, maybe we can help, but we are not sure!"

Jin Yuan looked thoughtfully at the arrogant Chongmingniao, sighed, and said quietly to A Li and Wu Gang, "I wonder if you have felt that powerful hostility?"

(End of this chapter)

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