500 Departure 1
A Li rubbed his head, shook his head and asked in a daze, "What hostility?"

Wu Gang frowned slightly, not knowing what to think.

The Chongming bird didn't respond, but just lowered its head and pecked at the feathers on its body, as if it didn't listen to Jin Yuan's words.

Quietly watching their reactions, Jin Yuan couldn't help but curl her lips slightly.

She knew that although they all pretended not to care, they must all be listening to her.

She stroked A Li's head with a smile, and continued: "The hostility comes from the resentful spirit. Tonight, the power of the resentful spirit attached to the national teacher Chao Li suddenly increased. Not only escaped from prison, but also absorbed a lot The human spirit is even more gone now!"

Hearing this, Ah Li stared in surprise and asked, "You said there are resentful spirits here?"

Jin Yuan nodded, and said helplessly: "That's right, those resentful spirits were originally in a jade flute, and then got into the body of the national teacher, and escaped tonight. I think it is the full moon that strengthens the power of the resentful spirits... "

Ah Li nodded half-knowingly, then turned to Wu Gang and asked, "Old man Wu Gang, there is a lot of energy here, do you think resentful spirits can invade?"

As soon as he finished asking, Wu Gang walked out of the Moon Rock with an ax on his shoulder, and said lightly, "You idiot, A Li, although this place is full of energy, it relies on the Taishang Laojun's whisk, and these carved buildings that can drive away ghosts. But that national teacher was locked in a dungeon, the place is dark and humid, just suitable for the power of the wraiths to grow!"


A Li nodded with a half understanding.

He thought for a moment, his eyes lit up again, he clapped his hands with a smile and said, "Then let's go find the national teacher who is possessed by the resentful spirit, and then drive the resentful spirit out of the national teacher's body, isn't that all right?"

Jin Yuan nodded: "That's what I planned too... It's just that the vengeful spirits are so powerful, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find their whereabouts!"

"Brother Chongming should know, right?"

Ah Li jumped to the side of Chongming Bird with a bang, patted its feathers and said, "Brother Chongming, help a group of Gods of Wealth!"

Chongmingniao glanced at Jin Yuan lightly, and said indifferently: "She and I are not related, why should I help?"

His every move is no different from that of a proud phoenix.

(End of this chapter)

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