501 Departure 2
Ah Li was choked by Chongming's reaction.

After being silent for a while, he bit his lower lip and looked at Chongming in trouble, then turned his gaze to Jinyuan, lowered his head apologetically, and said in a muffled voice, "I just want to help you, but unfortunately I'm just a jerk. Can inform..."

"A Li, you don't have to feel sorry..."

Jin Yuan rubbed his hair and smiled softly: "Speaking of it, it is also my fault. If I had discovered that the resentful spirit would merge with the national teacher earlier, at this moment, so many innocent mortals would not have died. !"

"Even if you find out, you can't stop it!"

Chongmingniao sneered, raised his head to look at Jin Yuan, and said word by word: "It's not that I won't help you. Although I'm good at driving away ghosts, if ghosts don't show up, I won't take the initiative to drive them away! More What's more...they are not ordinary ghosts, but resentful spirits with strong resentment!"

"Then what should we do to get rid of the Wraith?"

A Li blinked his eyes and asked suspiciously.

Chongmingniao was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Now the resentful spirits are integrated with the so-called national teacher, it is too difficult to drive the resentful spirits out of the national teacher's body, unless... find a way to resolve the resentment of those resentful spirits!"

"Thank you, Senior Chongming, for your instructions..."

Jin Yuan's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she cupped her hands and said, "I wonder if senior Chongming can resolve those grievances?"

Chongmingniao shook his head, and said lightly: "It's useless to find me to resolve the grievances, I can only go to the underworld to find King Yama and the others to find a way!"

Jin Yuan nodded knowingly: "Thank you, Senior Chong Ming!"

It seems that this trip to the underworld is inevitable!
As soon as he heard that he was going to the underworld, A Li Zejing clapped his hands excitedly and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, I want to go to the underworld too!"

In the end, Wu Gang knocked on the head again.

"With just you, a little Ze Jing, can you go to the underworld casually?"

Wu Gang mocked him disdainfully.

He curled his lips in frustration, jumped to Jin Yuan's hand again, touched her sleeve and said, "God of Wealth, since you are going to the underworld, take us with you!"

Jin Yuan looked at him with a smile on her lips.

She also likes A Li very much, so it is a good thing to take them along and have more helpers!

(End of this chapter)

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