502 Departure 3
"Ah Li, of course I am willing to take you all with me, but I don't know if the other seniors are willing to go to the underworld with me..."

Jin Yuan glanced at Wu Gang and Chongming Niao, and Hide who was sleeping soundly on her stomach.

"Definitely would!"

Ze Jing A Li answered for them loudly.

Seeing that they were all silent, Ah Li pushed Chong Mingniao, and said coquettishly: "Brother Chongming, didn't you say that this day is too dull and boring? Going to the underworld together will definitely be very exciting..."

Chongming Bird stretched out its wings and stroked the yellow cap on Ah Li's head lightly, then nodded slowly.

A Li turned his eyes to the silent Wu Gang again, and gave him an angry look: "Hey, old man Wu Gang, are you going?"

Speaking of this, Ah Li didn't wait for him to answer, then blinked and said with a sly smile: "Wu Gang, don't you want to go to the underworld to see the lover of your dreams?"

Wu Gang blushed, raised his ax and feigned anger, and said, "Who is the girl of my dreams? Don't talk nonsense, you idiot Zejing!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, could it be that..."

Before Ah Li finished speaking, Wu Gang covered his mouth, and could only make a buzzing sound.

Seeing their intimate relationship, Jin Yuan couldn't help sighing when she thought of Brother Shancai and the others in Heaven.

This low sigh startled the mischievous Ah Li.

He pushed Wu Gang away, shook his head and said with a smile: "Little God of Wealth, don't sigh anymore, don't worry, with us here, any resentful spirits won't be a problem!"

"Don't exaggerate, the sudden growth of resentful spirits is definitely not a trivial matter..."

Wu Gang rolled his eyes at A Li, then cupped his hands to Jin Yuan and said, "Miss Jin Yuan, we have been living in the Moon Stone for thousands of years, and we are used to it, as long as you take this Moon Stone with you, we will naturally follow you of!"

The implication is already very clear, they are all willing to go with her!

Jin Yuan nodded gratefully.

They have cultivated for thousands of years, with them, some things will become much easier!

"Then when do we set off?"

When Zejing A Li heard Wu Gang's words, a smile appeared on his face, and he asked Jin Yuan enthusiastically.

(End of this chapter)

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