505 Departure 6
Seeing the empty inner hall, Zhuo Yanchong suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Little Yuan Bao'er, shouldn't she stay in the inner hall and sleep?
He frowned, looked around the inner hall, and finally his eyes fell on the table.

Approaching the table case, there is a letter under the inkstone.

Zhuo Yanchong's heart skipped a beat, he opened the letter, and a colorful feather fell in front of his eyes.

But he had no time to take care of it, and looked down at the contents of the letter.

Sure enough, as he expected, Xiao Yuan Baoer's familiar words came into her eyes.

"Zhuo Bingshan, I suddenly remembered that I have something important to do, I will leave for a few days, don't worry about me... this feather is as important as a whisk, it can ward off evil spirits, remember to take it with you... "

At the end of the letter is an ingot, followed by a big heart and a few exclamation points.

Even if he wanted to be angry with her, seeing her cute signing, his anger couldn't help but disappear.

His little Yuan Bao'er spoke vaguely, only saying that there was an important matter to be done.

Although she didn't want to tell him where she went in the letter, he could guess it!

Because whenever Xiao Yuan Bao'er had something on her mind, it would all be revealed on her face, and she couldn't hide it from him at all!

She must have gone to investigate the trace of the national teacher!

But when he thought of her being knocked out of her body by the resentful spirit, deep worry rose in his heart.

She obviously should be worried about herself, but before she left, she was still thinking about him, leaving behind this feather of unknown origin, why can't she make him laugh and angry? !


Zhuo Yanchong stuffed the multicolored feather she specially left for him into his arms, and called out to Moran in a low voice.

Moran hurriedly responded and walked into the inner hall, but Jin Yuan was nowhere to be seen, so he was inevitably a little puzzled.

She wasn't supposed to be on duty last night, so she and Jin Yuan retired and went back to their room to sleep.

No movement was heard during the night!
"You have to keep your mouth shut about the queen's absence, and remember to remind the other court ladies and eunuchs in the palace that the queen must never be mentioned!"

Zhuo Yan ordered her calmly.

Moran nodded, and asked in a low voice with doubts on his face: "Your Majesty, I don't know where the Empress is?"

(End of this chapter)

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