506 Departure 7
A sharp light shot out of Zhuo Yan's eyes, and he looked at Moran coldly.

I don't know how long it took before he slowly said: "This matter has nothing to do with you, you just need to remember my orders and do your job well!"

After getting Zhuo Yanchong's order, Moran didn't dare to ask any more questions, nodded obediently and retreated.

Seeing Moran stepping back, Zhuo Yanchong snapped his fingers in the air, and a group of people dressed in black appeared in front of him.


They saluted Zhuo Yanchong in unison.

"Go and search for the figure of the queen. Once you find her, bring her back immediately. You must never let her meet the national teacher, understand?"

Zhuo Yan ordered in a cold voice.

"The subordinates know!"

The group of men in black nodded and quickly disappeared from Zhuo Yanchong's sight.

The inner hall was empty again, without Jin Yuan, it looked even more empty and lonely than usual.

Zhuo Yanchong looked at the empty and silent inner hall, an unfathomable complex light appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help grasping the letter she wrote to him with his fingers.

It's impossible not to be angry...

The only thing he wanted to be thankful for was that she didn't leave without saying goodbye!

When he gets his little Yuan Baoer back, he must "punish" her well!
What's more, let her know... Taking risks without telling him will not only make him angry, but also worry him! ——
I am the dividing line——
Jin Yuan, who left the palace with the moon stone in her arms, actually sneezed on a sunny day!

Wow, couldn't it be that Zhuo Bingshan had already found out that she was leaving the palace and was furious in the palace? !

Otherwise, why was she shivering uncontrollably under the sun!
Just as she was thinking about it, someone patted her on the shoulder from behind.

"who is it?"

Jin Yuan turned around vigilantly, seeing the dusty Ming Ye, she smiled at herself.

"Ming Ye, why are you here?"

When Jin Yuan saw it was him, she showed her face to him unconsciously, and asked with a smile.

It seems that she has something on her mind, so she is too vigilant!

Ming Ye raised her eyebrows slightly, but did not answer her question.

(End of this chapter)

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