507 Departure 8
He just folded his arms and looked at Jin Yuan playfully for a long time, and jokingly said, "Little God of Wealth, look at your eagerness, where are you going?"

As soon as he thought of her being patted on the shoulder by himself just now, he turned around with a face of horror, and said with a smile: "You probably didn't quarrel with Zhuo Yanchong, so you left the palace in a fit of anger, right?"

"I'm Li Gong, but I'm not Li Gong running away!"

Jin Yuan couldn't help admiring Ming Ye's imagination!

He is so imaginative, he should be a director in modern times!
"Didn't you leave the palace?"

Ming Ye raised his voice and asked with a smile, "Then why did you look like you saw a ghost just now?"

"It's not that I saw a ghost, but I'm going to catch a ghost..."

Jin Yuan shrugged, sighed helplessly, and explained to Ming Ye: "You were not in the palace yesterday, so you probably didn't know that the national teacher who was possessed by a resentful spirit escaped from the prison last night and absorbed the energy of many people. I don't know where I ran away!"

The smile on the corners of Ming Ye's lips faded away, and his brows were slightly frowned: "You said that the national teacher was possessed by a resentful spirit?"


Jin Yuan nodded, and couldn't bear to talk to Ming Ye about the horrors in the prison last night, but said in a low voice: "The resentful spirit once beat me out of my body in the jade flute. , Back to its original shape? I just realized that the resentful spirits in the jade flute had invaded the Guoshi's body little by little. Last night, at the full moon, they merged with the Guoshi, absorbing the essence of many living people. Get out of prison!"

Ming Ye quietly listened to Jin Yuan's description, and he said in a low voice after she finished speaking: "I noticed the aura of that demon yesterday, so I went to track down its whereabouts with Chu Yi, but I didn't expect that demon to be Make up your mind, let the Wraiths control the National Teacher!"

"I also ignored this, so I am going to the underworld to find someone to help..."

Jin Yuan nodded, shrugged and smiled at Ming Ye, her eyes full of determination.

"I will never let that monster succeed, and I will never let more innocent people die in vain!"

Ming Ye was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but suggest: "Why don't I accompany you to the underworld... If you meet a national teacher who is possessed by a resentful spirit on the way, I can help you deal with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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