508 Departure 9
Jin Yuan smiled lightly and shook her head, declining his kindness.

"No need, what I have to deal with this trip is only the resentful spirits, but the demons are still somewhere..."

When she said this, she looked in the direction of the palace worriedly: "Ming Ye, if you are willing to help me, please stay in the palace and help Zhuo Bingshan deal with that demon!"

Ming Ye thought for a moment, then looked at Jin Yuan and smiled: "Little God of Wealth, you are just worried that his divine power has not recovered, and you want me to protect him!"

"It's what you think it is!"

Jin Yuan smiled cunningly, put one hand on Ming Ye's shoulder, and said solemnly: "It doesn't matter whether it's a resentful spirit or a national teacher, but they are all pawns of demons. What we really need to deal with most are demons!"

"Little God of Wealth, I promise to help you..."

Ming Ye readily agreed.

Before Jin Yuan could thank you with a smile, he raised his eyebrows and jokingly added: "But... the best way to help him is to restore his divine power, little God of Wealth, in order to stimulate him to remember his real body, you can Don't blame me for being cruel!"

"As long as he doesn't get killed by monsters, I won't blame you..."

Jin Yuan also shrugged and smiled indifferently.

At the same time, she was relieved.

There is the whisk, the feather, and Mingye...

Zhuo Bingshan shouldn't be too dangerous!
"If he really recovers his divine power and can't remember you, little God of Wealth, will you come back?"

When Ming Ye asked this question, an unpredictable light flashed in his eyes.

Jin Yuan was silent for a long time, nodded heavily and firmly, and said word by word: "I will come back... I promised him that no matter what happens, I will never leave him, and I will not break my promise!"

Those words were her oath to him, and it gave her firm confidence!

Zhuo Bingshan is only half likely to forget her...

In other words, there is still a half chance that he won't forget her!
She has always liked to take risks, why didn't she try a risky move this time? !

Ming Ye took a deep look at her, and finally shook his head and sighed: "Forget it, it's the first time I've seen such a stubborn fairy like you...it's really different from those gods in the heavens!"

(End of this chapter)

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