511 Departure 12

This is Jin Yuan's first visit to the underworld, and just standing at the gate of the underworld, she sensed an inexplicable wind blowing towards her.

Accompanied by the dark wind, there were bursts of howling ghosts and wolves.

The moon stone in the pocket began to emit light, and Jin Yuan hurriedly took it out.

The first to fly out of the Moon Stone was still Zejing A Li.

"God of Wealth, let's go in quickly..."

Jin Yuan took a deep breath, nodded and stepped into the underworld.

Unexpectedly, before she could see the road ahead, the bull-headed horse-face guarding the door stopped her with a knife.

"Don't let strangers in—"

They said coldly, their faces were indeed as fierce as in the legend,
"Brother Guicha, I'm the Little Immortal Shancai under Caibo Xingjun's seat, I'm here to ask King Yama for advice!"

Jin Yuan hurriedly cupped her fists respectfully to the bull's head and horse's face and said.

They glanced at each other, remained silent for a while, retracted their swords, nodded and said, "So it's the God of Wealth, please come with us—"

Jin Yuan nodded, smiled at Ze Jing A Li who jumped on her shoulder, and walked all the way into the underworld with the bull's head and horse face.

Originally, Jin Yuan was already mentally prepared that she would see a ghost whose tongue was pulled out, or a ghost screaming after pouring gold soup.

However, despite stepping on the slippery rocky ground, there was nothing along the way.

There aren't any ghosts, just occasionally seeing two ghost messengers with weapons walking around.

Jin Yuan even began to suspect that the crying and howling of ghosts and wolves heard at the door were just illusions arranged by King Yama to scare away others...

Although the underworld is dark, it doesn't have a lot of evil spirits, let alone the hostility of wraiths.

It was very different from what she imagined!

"I can't tell that the King of Hades has a bit of taste in arranging the dungeon..."

Ze Jing A Li on her shoulder looked around curiously, and couldn't help sighing.

"God of Wealth, look, there must be the Wangchuan River—"

Ah Li excitedly pointed to the gurgling river water not far away and said.

Jin Yuan looked in the direction of Ah Li's finger, and saw the Wangchuan River rolling with huge dark waves.

However, no matter how big the waves were, there was no splash.

(End of this chapter)

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