512 Departure 13
And in the river, some struggling souls could even be faintly seen, as if they wanted to escape from the Wangchuan River.

But in the end, only a head poked out, and then it was submerged by the waves.

Neat manjusawa are planted on both sides of the river.

The large area of ​​fiery red and dark river water formed a sharp contrast, adding a touch of life to the scary-looking river.

It's no wonder that A Li would lament how tasteful the layout of this underworld is!

"God of Wealth, here we are—"

The bull's head and horse's face stopped in front of a tall temple.

There are three big golden characters engraved on the plaque: Senluo Temple.

They turned around and said respectfully and politely to Jin Yuan: "Please wait a moment, the God of Wealth, I will go in and report to Hades!"

After waiting for too long, the bull head and horse face led Jin Yuan into the Sen Luo Hall.

Headed by King Yama, the Kings of Yama of the Ten Halls were already sitting high on the throne, with their eyes fixed on each other and their faces expressionless.

For some reason, seeing this posture, Jin Yuan felt a little terrified.

Whoever made Huimao was hacked by these Hades and returned to his original body, it took a long time to recover!

"See Hades—"

The voice of the bull's head and horse's face brought Jin Yuan back from looking around.

Jin Yuan hurriedly bowed to the King of Hades in the Tenth Palace and said: "Jin Yuan, the little fairy of good fortune under the seat of Caibo Xingjun, has met all the kings of Hades!"

"Why did you come to the underworld?"

It was the one sitting in the middle who spoke.

I saw him wearing a crown on his head, sachets hanging on both sides to protect his ears, wearing a wide-sleeved robe with a lapel collar with ruffles, and a pair of Qingyun boots on his feet.

He was sitting upright, with a stern face, and a pair of green eyes shining majesticly in the darkness.

Seeing his appearance and the way he spoke, Jin Yuan guessed that he should be Yama, the head of the ten kings of hell!
She had always heard how cruel and ruthless King Yama of the underworld was, but she never thought that King Yama could be so handsome, so she was dumbfounded for a moment.

It wasn't until Zejing Ali called her twice in her ear that she smiled and said, "King Yama, the resentful spirits in the world made trouble, and got into the body of the national teacher who is currently in prison, waiting for an opportunity to escape." The prison has sucked the energy of many people... I am here in the underworld, and I want to ask King Yama to tell you the way to subdue the wraiths!"

(End of this chapter)

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