513 Departure 14
King Yan Luo looked at her coldly, but did not answer.

The King of Five Senses who frowned and stared at the side snorted coldly, and said lightly: "We are in charge of the various halls of the underworld, so what does mortal affairs have to do with us?"

His tone was very indifferent.

Jin Yuan did not back down, and still persisted in saying: "Although the king of Hades doesn't need to care about everything in the mortal world, such resentful spirits endanger the world. Once they join hands with demons, not only the mortal world will be overthrown, but both the heaven and the underworld will be destroyed." Get implicated!"

Sure enough, when Jin Yuan said this, the expressions of the other Kings of Hades began to loosen.

Just trying to persuade them is not easy.

The King of Hades and the Wheel-Turning King of the Tenth Temple were silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Although what you said is reasonable, mortal affairs are indeed beyond our jurisdiction, so Miss Jin Yuan, I'm sorry!"

Jin Yuan smiled slightly, took a deep look at the kings of Hades, and asked earnestly: "What about the resentful spirits? Your underworld governs the souls. As far as I know, the resentful spirits are the souls that accumulate lingering grievances to form ...Although the mortal affairs are not under the control of the kings of hell, after all, the resentful spirits are also the souls of people after death, and those souls with resentment go around doing evil, don't the kings of hell also care?"

Without waiting for those kings of Hades to answer, A Li, who was on Jin Yuan's shoulder, nodded and agreed: "That's right... Since you are kings of Hades, you should care about those souls, whether it's resentful spirits or reincarnated souls, you should Do you care?"

As soon as Ah Li finished speaking, the King of Hell snorted coldly, and said displeasedly: "Little Ozawa, how dare you talk to me like that?"

Ah Li was angry when he heard this.

He jumped off Jin Yuan's shoulder with a "噗——" and said loudly with his head held high: "I'm not Sei Ozawa... I've lived a long, long time anyway!"

It's just that he's too small, even with his head held high, he's nothing compared to those lofty kings of Hades. In addition, he looks cute in a yellow suit and yellow hat.

Jin Yuan also couldn't help but bend her lips, looked at King Yama who was the leader of all Yama, and said earnestly: "King Yama, the chaos in the world will definitely affect the turbulence, please think about it more!"

(End of this chapter)

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