514 Departure 15
King Yan Luo nodded, waved his hands and said in a deep voice, "I will consider it, you guys go back first!"

Jin Yuan didn't intend to leave just yet.

Although King Yama's answer was very vague, she knew that if she left now, the possibility that King Yama would help her get rid of the wraith would be even smaller!

"King Yama, saving people is like putting out a fire... Please think about it as soon as possible!"

Jin Yuan clasped her fists again and said solemnly.

Seeing that Jin Yuan had made up her mind and was not going to leave, Hades of the Ten Temples was taken aback and looked at her in surprise.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do with Jin Yuan, the judge in purple robe stood out from nowhere.

With a vicious look on his face, he glared at Jin Yuan angrily, and roared: "Presumptuous, how important is Yama's status, how can you, a little fairy, threaten you?"

Zejing Ah Li jumped onto the judge's face, stretched out his thin arms and grabbed the judge's neck, and said angrily: "What are you, a judge? The King of Hades didn't even speak. What qualifications do you have?" Yelling here?"

The judge didn't expect a Ze Jing to rush out suddenly.

He quickly reached out to flick A Li who was lying on his face, but his movements were not as sensitive as A Li.

Before he could slap his fingers, Ah Li quickly jumped onto him.

With a sound of "pa--", the judge slapped his face with a palm.

The loud applause echoed in Sen Luo Hall, and even the expressionless ghost guard who stood by could hardly hold back his laughter.

"You damn Zejing, see if I don't catch you..."

The judge was so angry that he jumped to catch Zejing A Li who was jumping around on him.

Because Ah Li was too small, the figure jumping on the judge was not very clear, so everyone only saw the judge alone, baring his teeth and claws in place as if he was catching lice.

Seeing the situation where the judge was forced to "dance and dance", Jin Yuan finally resisted the urge to laugh out loud.

"Okay Zejing, I finally caught you!"

After a roar, Ah Li's thin arm was firmly grabbed by the judge.

Jin Yuan was startled, and hurriedly pleaded with the judge, "Judge, Ah Li is a child who is good at playing around, please don't care about him like him!"

(End of this chapter)

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