518 Departure 19
Jin Yuan stared wide-eyed, resentful spirit... isn't it just a soul with resentment?

"King Yama, don't you mean that resentful spirits and ghosts are not of the same race?"

Jin Yuan asked in surprise.

King Yan Luo shook his head, and replied in a deep voice: "Miss Jinyuan, you must be confused...Ghosts are ghosts, ghosts are not ghosts. The so-called ghosts are just souls, and resentful spirits are spirit bodies. Gather together!"

Not only Jin Yuan was dizzy, even Zejing A Li on her shoulder was almost dizzy.

He quickly straightened his yellow hat again, and said with a thunderbolt: "King Yama, don't explain it so complicatedly, just tell us directly, how can we catch the resentful spirit and prevent it from controlling the national teacher and attracting human spirits?" Qi harms the world!"

Yan Luo Wang was silent for a long while, then whispered to Jin Yuan: "I can only do one thing for Miss Jin Yuan, and the rest is up to Miss Jin Yuan herself!"

Jin Yuan nodded, seeing Yan Luo Wang turned and left the City of Death, she also turned and followed.

The moment she turned around, she seemed to see a soul in the city of vain, grinning sneeringly at her, very ferocious.

She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was wrong.

She turned her head and took another look, but the soul who sneered at her just now had disappeared.

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing Jin Yuan look away, Ah Li shook his head in confusion and asked curiously.

Jin Yuan stretched out her hand and pointed behind her, shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I seem to have seen a ghost in the city of Wushi just now, and he smiled very strangely..."

"is it?"

Ah Li also hurriedly turned his head to look, but he didn't find anything weird.

However, it is true that this dead city made him feel uncomfortable!

Jin Yuan followed Yan Luowang to the place where all kinds of books were placed, and then frowned and said, "What is the name of the national teacher you mentioned, I will check first to see if his lifespan has expired!"

"His name is Chao Li—"

King Yan Luo waved his hand, and a large stack of scrolls recording life and death appeared in front of him instantly.

Both Jin Yuan and Zejing A Li lowered their heads curiously, but before they could see a name, the scroll flipped by itself.

(End of this chapter)

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