519 Departure 20
Within a short while, Yan Luowang had already read the book of life and death.

"Is this the end?"

A Li pointed to the closed scroll and asked in amazement.

King Yan Luo didn't pay attention to A Li, but said indifferently: "There is no record of Chao Li here...so Chao Li should have a life span!"

"But now he is possessed by a resentful spirit, so his own soul..."

Jin Yuan pondered in a low voice.

Suddenly something flashed through her mind, her eyes lit up and she said: "Yan Luo Wang, you mean his soul was squeezed out of his body by the resentful spirit, and there is no way to go back, and he is also looking for a way?"


King Yan Luo nodded, and said expressionlessly: "I can send a bull's head and a horse's face to find the soul of the national teacher for you, but you still need yourself to deal with the resentful spirit!"

"Hey, King Yama, you are too stingy..."

A Li jumped on his shoulder, stretched out his hand and poked his shoulder, curled his lips and said: "The soul of that national teacher is so difficult to find, the most difficult thing to deal with is the resentful spirit! Aren't your ghost servants good at seducing souls?" Why don't you just take a hook and hook the wraith out of the national teacher's body?"

Hearing what he said so easily, Yama, no matter how calm he looked, couldn't help but twitch his face.

Jin Yuan couldn't help but giggled, and waved to A Li, "A Li, if it's really that simple, King Yama will definitely not help!"

Zejing Ah Li was also afraid that King Yan Luo would get angry with him, so he quickly returned to Jin Yuan's pocket.

A thin voice came from the pocket.

"Anyway, I don't understand these things... But, I'm thinking, if King Yama can do it himself, things will be much easier!"

Jin Yuan also deeply agrees with Ah Li's words, but dare not applaud in front of King Yama!
King Yama is the head of the ten kings of Hades, and he is in charge of great power...

And his cultivation is no less than that of many gods in the heavens!
What's more, hell and heaven are two places that are related but not bound to each other...

The boss of the underworld, and the emperor of heaven... probably have the same status!

If there is King Yama to help, no matter how many resentful spirits there are, I'm afraid it won't be a problem!
Why do they need to think of all kinds of complicated methods? !

(End of this chapter)

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