520 Departure 21
"King Yama, you don't have to take A Li's words to heart... You are so busy, I'm afraid you won't be able to spare yourself to help us deal with the wraiths!"

Although Jin Yuan said so, she looked at him expectantly, hoping that his expression would be moved.

King Yan Luo frowned slightly, and replied indifferently: "I have always only done my own business... Everything in the world has a cause and an effect, and when resentful spirits breed and harm the world, there must be the power to deal with them!"

It seems that Yan Luowang still won't help.Although Jin Yuan was disappointed, she still nodded politely: "Thank you King Yama for reminding..."

After all, he still agreed to let Niutou Mamian help her find Chao Li's soul!

It's just... can we deal with the resentful spirits by recovering Chao Li's soul?

"King Yan Luo, that national teacher Chao Li has bad intentions, that's why he was invaded by the resentful spirit... Would it still be futile to retrieve his soul?"

Jin Yuan asked worriedly.

"Although he has evil thoughts in his heart, he has a strong desire to survive. After finding his soul, he can tell all about it. He will try his best to return to his physical body, so as to expel the resentful spirit from his physical body..."

King Yan Luo said calmly, seeing that Jin Yuan was still somewhat suspicious, he took out another bead with a cyan luster.

"This bead is a double glazed bead, which can help you absorb the resentment when dealing with resentful spirits..."

Jin Yuan took the shiny bead carefully.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary bead holds a lot of weight in the hand.

"Once the bull head and horse face find Chao Li's soul, they will take the initiative to come to you. When the moon is short, they can expel the resentful spirit..."

Yama finally gave her another warning.

Jin Yuan gratefully put away the double glazed beads, and said repeatedly: "Thank you, King Yama, for your help! When the resentful spirits are expelled, I will return this double glazed beads to King Yama myself!"

King Yan Luo didn't care much about her return, he waved his hand and said, "Go—"

After Jin Yuan bid farewell to King Yan Luo, before leaving the underworld, she bumped into the judge who was looking around.

That judge was none other than Judge Lu who had been recruited by Zejing A Li earlier.

"Miss Jinyuan..." When Lu Juan saw her, his face was not stiff, and he bowed to her politely.

(End of this chapter)

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